
Code By lowkeywicked


Role: Freelance Magician
Origin: Place
Height: 3' 9"
Build: Average
Demeanor: Overconfident and Snarky
  • Potions
  • Life
  • Freedom
  • Being Beaten
  • Waiting
  • Thing 3



"Power doesn't always come with Freedom."

Sabriel is competative and considered arrogant by quite a few people. Her tounge can be quite sharp and it takes awhile for her to warm up to anyone. Once she does though, she will be loyal until her death. Something that, unfortunately, ends up being quite literal.

Sabriel is a Mage, someone who can use all varieties of magic, without limitation except one's stamina, will, and affinity to magic energy. All of which Sabriel are things has in etreme abundance. She is stubborn to a fault, and she can easily outlast most people when comparing the magical energy she innately has access too.

However, this amount of energy makes her mere presence unsettling. Magical energy warps around her, making the air seem to be filled with static. It also means her magic can be incredibly chaotic, and has even cast spells completely on accident (especially when she was younger and had less control). In the past this caused many rumours to spread about a mage that was 'magic incarnate'- a true force of nature. Though, very, very, few people believe the latter could remotely be true.

-200% done with Everythin
-Technically Undead
-She's Possessing someone don't worry about it


Sabriel initially lived near the end of the Ancient Era. Humans had only recently come to Digiland, and the war between Mages and those without magic was still in full-swing. She mainly stuck to herself, and even fairly antisocial, even before Mages started being hunted. So, even when the war really started picking up, she didn't particularly notice. She found it more irritating than anything else. It was only after things started hitting the tipping point in the decline of Mages where she really got involved in any capacity. Even then, it was only a single, if rather dramatic, incident.

While Sabriel did, indeed, stick to herself. She was known for being a powerful Mage, with particularly chaotic and unfocused magic. It was one of the reasons she was left alone in the first place, and why it took so long to target her at all. She was considered dangerous to be physically near, in general, let alone when she was actively using her magic. Eventually though, and unsurprisingly, she was targeted. The surprising twist being that the hunters that came after her weren't alone. They had another mage backing them up.

What followed was a very chaotic fight. Several of the hunters died in the crossfire between Sabriel and the other mage. However, Sabriel eventually lost in a clash of spells. Her soul was ripped out, and sealed away in an otherwise unremakrable and unassuming pocketwatch. The mage's plan had been to seal her, then to break the watch to finish her off. However, unsurprisingly, as soon as Sabriel seemed to be taken care of, the hunters turned on the mage and killed them.

Sabriel's belongings were eventually gathered up by hoarders and other such folk, including the now 'enchanted' pocketwatch. The watch floats around from pawn-shop to pawn-shop. No one ever seems to hold onto it for that long, as owners of the watch tend to panic when they start to 'hear' Sabriel, or see her reflection in the watch's face. If anyone is aware that there is something magical about the watch, they tend to think it is cursed. Especially if they know anything of its history, as several of those who have possessed it in the past have died unexpectedly, with no identifiable cause.

Watch Your Back

(Sabriel is Backstabbed and sealed in the pocketwatch)

Escape at Sunset

After more than several lifetimes, and numerous attempts, Sabriel manages to 'escape' her watch. Due to the strength of her magic, every time Sabriel had tried to possess an owner of the watch, she had inadvertently killed them. Effectively destroying their bodies with the overflow of energy. However, Sunila, eventually comes into possession of Sabriel's Watch. Unlike all of the other owners Sabriel had tried to overpower in the past, Sunila's magic and family liniage can be traced back to a mage in the Ancient Era. So her body was actually capable of containing Sabriel's magic thanks to this natural affinity, and didn't die when Sabriel escapes. At least...not physically.



[ Puppet? ] Sabriel does feel some degree of remorse for possessing Sunila. However, she is selfish enough to see it as a necessary evil to escape her prison in the watch. She avoids contact with Sunila's family and friends, thinking it is better if they believe that Sunila is completely dead.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.