


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Gwenfrewi du Lac


Sheathe To Excalibur, Lady of the Lake


Messy Basic Info:: 

Gwenfrewi is the orphaned heiress to a sizable fortune and a frankly ridiculous amount of misfortune. She has various storylines but all of them have similarities that tend to revolve around (my heavily tweaked and possibly ruined) Arthurian characters and the central king in particular. She really wants to dislike him- Gwen is a character of my own creation that I've tagged onto the end of the legend- A previously unnamed Lady of The Lake who is tasked with keeping this Arthur's Excalibur until he's fit to wield it. The original Lady exists, but she more-or-less oversees Gwenfrewi, who has to do all of the dirty work such as following him into battle and letting him borrow the sword in dire circumstances. She can wield Excalibur as well, but is unable to unlock its full potential as it wasn't meant for her. 

As a character, regardless of the storyline, Gwenfrewi starts out as a friendless Ice Queen whose childhood kind of messed her up- Cliché as it is. She holds herself aloof from others not because she sees herself as better, but because she sees herself as other. She can't connect to anyone and only lives because that is what she was told to do- Her parents and grandparents wish for her to carry out the family name and she does so. Barely. Their sway over her has somewhat diminished and she's good at finding loopholes. Two of her most defining traits are her adventurous nature and insatiable curiosity, yet she's too paranoid and cautious to ever fully indulge them. Instead, she attempts to live vicariously through characters in books and movies. This changes when a dragon knight disrupts her quiet life in search of his destined blade, and the shenanigans that ensue force Gwenfrewi to realize what she truly wants to live for- A purpose that not even her fey 'sisters' approve of. 

Gwen is influenced with Arthur's chivalry and brash courage and decides that she wants to be a 'hero', not the mere passive overseer and occasional guide or talented heiress that others have attempted to mold her into. She develops a fondness for the world and its creatures- some in particular, ahem- that the detached fey avoid harboring and seeks to actively join the Knights in their quests. Being able to truly offer Arthur his blade is her ultimate goal, because it would mean their long, arduous battle has been half-won, but her efforts are counterproductive. It takes her a while to notice that the more she tries to help him, the more his progress is actually being hindered by her pursuing roles outside of the ones that have been chosen for her. 

More On Personality:: I designed Gwen character-wise to be a bit of a foil to Arthur and also a bit more mature than most heroines start out- She's levelheaded, inquisitive, and distantly polite but with the mastery of backhanded compliments and dry wit that all bluebloods must possess. Gwenfrewi is a creature of Reason, she thinks before she speaks. She thinks before she sleeps. She thinks before she thinks- Loneliness has resulted in her spending a lot of time stuck in her head, and she often does little busying acts or talks around things to delay her responses or reactions and give her more time to ponder. Gwen is also very stuck in routine, though she's open minded and adaptable, with a level of unflappability that allows her to just go 'huh' when Arthur climbs out of some kind of hell pit right before her eyes. She just locks the reaction away so that she can freak out later, staring wide-eyed at a wall and shakily attempting to sip cold tea. 

She compartmentalizes everything, perhaps too much, and isn't always in tune with her feelings. Eventually she comes to appreciate what it is to live, however, and becomes more open with her kindness, though she's still somewhat ruled by reason. In the beginning and even towards the end, Gwenfrewi is not what you'd call a Go Getter. If she wants something she rarely does anything drastic to obtain it unless she absolutely needs it. She can also be a bit of a dork- unintentionally- Elizabeth Bennet & Jane Austen are her heroes and she tends to speak and dress as if she's in a period piece if she can get away with it. When she first meets the Knights she's delighted that she can communicate somewhat on their level until they learn that not everyone in her world/time speak with airs and come to the conclusion that 'oh so you're a nerd'. She has quite a time trying to talk her way out of that one... Indirectly related to this is the fact that she's very difficult to fluster and is experienced with many facets of romance- Her last relationship ended amicably, at least. While she can stonewall Bellinor's flirtations she's not actually skilled at flirting back and so doesn't try. It's embarrassing. She tried to wink once and will regret that one incident of temporary insanity for the rest of her life. 

Random Facts:: 

*She can't cook anything complicated- she tries but finds cooking a tiresome chore and often eats out or lives off of the basics. Her palate is too refined for cereal or simple sandwiches, however. She has a personal chef send food over or come thrice a week.

 *Gwenfrewi is not very fond of sweets but favors ice cream and various alcoholic drinks. 

*In the case of a melding of times/worlds, Gwenfrewi loves spoiling the Knights with modern luxuries partly because she doesn't know how else to express fondness for someone than to shower them in gifts- and partly because she's a troll who delights in the chaos of introducing futuristic anachronisms to medieval minded people. She almost wishes she could share just how many times she's blown their minds on social media- that she doesn't have but still. Lllymorak tried to eat her Maserati but it was Worth It. Also watching Tristram try to figure out how to get the tiny musicians out of her phone almost resulted in her losing composure.

 *What she did not find amusing was Merlin idly wondering if they'd gained some kind of Sugar Mama. And Guingalain believing this meant she was trying to adopt them.

 Key Notes:: 

*Her outfit in the picture is her 'Lady of the Lake' one, I intend to find more modern clothing for her as well. 

*Ironically, Gwenfrewi is afraid of large bodies of water and drowning. 

*IkeSen is <3 and inspired me to cast Gwenfrewi as the troll I always knew she could be. Whether they're in the modern world or a fantasy one, she'll be: "What do we say when we throw our knives?" And will receive a dutiful chorus of 'yeets'. She was never even into pop culture/memes and such- She might as well have truly been from the 1800s but now. Now she studies them with a passion because it brings a tear to her eye for an armored man to lower his bloodied blade and say, "This is so sad, Tristram play Despacito." Or for the knight marshal to describe others as being 'Shook' in his presence. If this is to be her greatest contribution to the quest for the Grail, she's okay with that. 

*Also Tristram can and will play Despacito when prompted.