
Basic Details

Name: Zack Chuseio

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire


Sexual Preference: Straight

Dominant Hand: Right



Body Type: Mesomorph

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 184 lbs

Blood Type: O+

Skin Color: Caucasian

Eye Colors: Blood Red

Hair Color: Brown

Wings Color: Black

Bust Size: 36

Waist Size: 36

Hip Size: 36

Ass Size: 



Human: 61%

Vampire: 39%


Skills and Personality
Skills: Knows how to use guns

Powers: Natural Night Vision, Double Strength (weaker than super strength)

Fighting Style: Boxing

Story: He was born into not a normal home situation, but in somekind of lab, given a barcode brand at a young age. The memory of that was so fuzzy to him, but he can remember being in a closed off garden with at least 20+ other "monsters" while bulletproof glass caged them in. Men covered in white suits circled around, though he could never tell if there were other "monsters" around. He doesn't remember the exact age he was when a breakout occured, but he remembers breaking out with the rest of them, only for the entire facility to be flooded with mythical beings, running in one direction. He followed the crowd as gunshots got louder and louder but he kept going, his wings started feeling more like weights as he got more scared. He soon makes it to one of the exits and ended up walking and sometimes crawling over bodies of killed these men in white suits. He was able to disguise within a stamped that push through the wall of guards, as he escapes to see the sun for the first time in his life, uneffected by the light but feeling this scense of freedom from the breeze of the wind.

    He soon learns to hide his wings within his body as he walks around the US, looking in awe by all the new things. Though, the government found him not too long after his escape and kidnapped him, though his strength made it difficult. When they calmed him down and got him into a dark metal room, a man in a black suit walked in, offering him a chance at a normal life if possible, in exchange for helping out the country when he was older. He agreed, and then was taken in by a veteran family, his adopted father being a war veteran and his adopted mother being a nurse. As the years went on, the ideals the family shared trickled down to him, as they adjusted to his Vampirism, as different as it was.

    When he became 18, the government came again, this time with an offer he couldn't refuse if he tried. He was told to join the military, to support his country through fighting in battles to help keep America's values alive. He had to agree but felt a bit off about it. He was then taken to boot camp for training and grilling, though he got the more tougher drills because of his "unique" traits. He trained and trained until he was got his first.... mission. He was labeled as special ops, and... he was just left with this odd feeling. He felt like he was being treated like a weapon rather than a normal soldier. He ends up slowly moving away from his team as he kept hanging out with the grunts, despite orders not to do so.

    After several other missions, he just went to his superiours and argued to have his place within the infantry, to fight along side the common people. It went on for days, going higher in the ranks until he was given the right to be with the regular soldiers. When out of the spec ops area, he was treated much more equally, wasn't pampered because he's a vampire and treated more like special cargo, he felt more able to get along with people while sharing a decent meal, goofing off with them and even bonding over a little game of cards. During his time, he ends up befriending 3 people and forming a 4 man squad and forming a sort of brotherhood.

    He returns to Oregon, though feeling more awkward for for being away for so long. He goes back home and spends sometime there before going to look around the local stores. As he was taking his stroll, he encounters a beautiful woman with pink hair, she was smelling some flowers and looking so happy but also clueless. He smirked and went up to her, asking "Excuse me, are you looking for anything? You seem lost." And that one sentence spiraled into a day of just them talking with each other, talking about what they do, where they came from (with both of them trying to skirt around that actually), etc. In the end, they started seeing each other more and more until he had to get shipped back out. Before he left, the woman, Atlantia wanted to show him her secret as she went into the ocean water and popped back out, now a mermaid with a blue tail. He was shocked at first, but then he showed off his fangs and wings to her, as they found a comforting connection from how different they were compared to the rest of the people in Oregon.

    He is soon shipped back to a US Base along with his 3 comrads, though on one patrol he ended up getting shot around the chest but luckily survived. The time apart though, made him long for Atlantia, even messaging from long distances still didn't fill him whole emotionally. Several of the soldiers jokingly called him a love sick pup when he was told some of them about a woman she's slowly falling in love with. The joke soon felt more real as Atlantia meet Zack as he was returning home from duty, and he ran over and embraced her. Months after returning home, they wanted to ship him out again but to a different location, he ended up not only arguing but also subtle manipulate his superior to allow him to stay a lot longer.

    During this time, he got a small part time job (even with getting some funds from the government) and got a little apartment with Atlantia, overtime they got closer and closer until they got married. It took a while to get off the ground, mainly because of tons of red tape because of him being a "monster", but they finally got married with Zack carrying her and flying her to their honeymoon spot once the reception was over, as they passionately celebrated their new marriage.

    Years past and by now, they had a daughter, Cynthia, which Atlantia was mainly taking care of as she decided to be a stay-at-home mother. Though this period of calm and bonding was soon interupted, as Atlantia soon became diagnosed with Lukemia, and it was pretty severe. She spent her last months in the hospital, unable to fully get rid of the cancer. Her last gift for Cynthia, was a Rosary with her pearl in the center, before passing away days later. Atlantia was 31 when she died, Zack was 34 and Cynthia was 6.

    It was rough for a while, having to not only working, keeping his body in shape for the military, but also taking care of Cynthia, who became an emotional wreck for several months. Stress for him was building up, especially as he started getting hounded by the government to return to active duty, it was just slowly wearing him down and making him feel worse as well

    3 years after the passing of his wife, he could no longer say no and got dragged back into service, while a babysitter took care of Cynthia. The good part was that he was with his squad again, so the band of brothers were reunited after the passing of his wife, and he felt a tad more comfortable. But his mentality was still shot, even though it's been years, he still felt miserable without her and several times that has almost gotten him killed, Cynthia also feeling miserable about it didn't help. There were points where early on, he was more worried about him living than the well being of others, something that he was the exact opposite on the last time he was in combat.

    His performance was declining and he almost got (literally) fired because of how much of a burden he was becoming, though close to half of the battalion got his back, the others were becoming less fond of him because of his actions in the heat of battle. He slowly got better mentally, doing better in combat, but then also thrusted into spec ops missions, something he was hoping not to return to. Though his last mission was in the heat of battle, he noticed a enemy transport in the distance, it almost looked like it was shipping more weapons. He ends up rushing around them, flying and gliding towards it, his wings getting shot down feets away from the truck. He lobbed a grenade at it, exploding it, only for srapnil to hit him in critial places of his body.

    He was taken back to the medical tent, but the damage was too severe to opperate, meaning that in due time, he was going to die. People kept coming in, trying to basically take him away, though the troops prevented them from doing so. He asked one of his friends to take care of Cynthia when he passes away, which he knew was coming. Soon he breathed his last breath, he died at the age of 37, while Cynthia was 9. He went away peacefully, but filled with regret...

Personality: He is a kind hearted person but with a lose tempter attached to him. Given his strength, he often goes into situation that demands labor with a bit of a cocky attire, thinking he can get the job done easily most of the time. He often likes playing card, the feeling or adrenaline from trying to trick the others around him. He has a deep sense of respect for the ideals of America thanks to his foster family raising him. 

Flaws: His cockiness can make him an annoyance to work with, as is his tendancey to need blood to survive. He has a fear of doctors, but he doesn't know why, and he can't wrap his brain around why either.


Family and Love

Family members (Parents, siblings): Atlantia (Wife), Cynthia (Daughter)

Family member (Others):  ???

Love Status: Married



Birthplace: Unknown Underground Lab

Currently living: Oregon, USA

Wishing to go to: -

Working at: the US Army

Job: Infantry/Special Ops

Dream Job: -


Likes and Dislikes
Loves: His Family, Keeping everyone 

Likes: Playing Cards, Flying, rainy days

Favorite Food: Lamb Meat

Favorite Drink: Bloody Mary

Dislikes: Pissing off Atlantia

Fears: Doctors


Fun Facts:

  • He would have not really been created if Cynthia got so much development years ago (compared to all the characters now)