


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Date Of Creation:

June 22nd, 2017



sell - k AE t
she is my original character

10 years
Sexual Pref: 
Arabian x Shire x Paint X Percheron 
seal brown sabino
Mane Color:
Tail Color:
Eye Color:
pale blue
Hoof Color:
white muzzle, sabino on belly and bird catcher spots
heavy draft in build

bird catcher spots

Unknown, seal brown sabino, EE/AtAt/nSb
Unknown, seal brown tobiano, Ee/AtAt/nT
 Indra, Sister, Black Sabino Reverse Brindle
Lakshmi - Seal Brown Tobiano Sabino Reverse Brindle
Spike - Half Brother - Seal Brown Tobiano

Apophis - Mate
sanura, filly, dunskin sabino
sahara, filly, seal brown perlino dun tovero
sihtric, colt, seal brown creme tovero sabino

80% - 
4 Months Pregnant and Malnourished
Herd Info: 

Sailcat does not have a nice bone in her body, maybe she did her first few days of life but it was extinguished before it had a chance to grow. She is fierce and loves to play games, she is tough and knows how to play with the boys. Even the girls where trained up, so that way they could protect the herd as well. A herd is only as strong as it's weakest link, and she does believe in survival of the fittest. She has no use for those who can't do what she wants or what she needs done, she will kill for fun and even toy with them as they are dying slowly. She has a heart of coal and it's just a black whole and she has no room for love. She will fight until the very last breath she breaths and will never submit unless she believes you are worthy. She does have a defiant side, but will respect her leader. She is blunt and honest and there is no beating around the bush.
Sailcat was born nine years ago, two years after her brother disappeared. He was the one that their father wanted to rule the herd, but he disappeared instead. Their father was angry, so angry that he took it out on all of the children. The foals where where put into training, and it was hard. She was already feisty and a fighter, but the training made her even worse. She took quickly to what her father wanted her to do, fighting like she was born to do. She though she was making her father proud, but she over heard him one night. By this time she was five years old and her father was talking about giving the herd leader position to another half sibling. She was pissed off and upset, she went after her sibling while they where alone and that was the end of them. When their father asked her why, she told him because it was survival of the fittest. Every time her father tried to appoint another, she would end them before they could take their place. When she turned eight years old, her father told her she would never take the leader position because she could not listen to orders. She slaughtered him on the spot and was exiled by the herd and chased away. She wondered for another year, before she got word of where her brother might have been. She is hell bent on finding her half brother Spike. She applied to be a member of the Healker and got the position.
 The war was brewing and she had no clue, but she went to meet with Vulcan and Sly. She took on a mission and began steals for the neutral kingdom, she stole the mare Reth and questioned her about the neutrals and information for her brother. When Vulcan disappeared, a demon came to visit her in her home. She agreed to take on the mare's offspring and train him as her own. He was six months old, but still young if you asked her. She would raise the colt until he was old enough to stay or leave. She was raising the colt and met her two apprentices Machin Shin and Voluspa. She met Apophis some where in the middle and became pregnant with his foal, while being in denial. Soon the raids started and she set the land of Shadow Canyon on fire. She stole it's leader, who appeared with a demon by the name of Baelrune and asked for her to be realized. Sailcat made an agreement for a cambion foal, which her beta mare took on the job as the donor mare. After the raids she met and spoke with Apophis, the two of them struggling with their emotions for each other. As the war waged on the mare stole several different equines, one of her favorite ones was Razz.
 She fought in the war and lost her battle, but the neutral war was won. Time seemed to pass and finally towards the end of the occupation, Alistar wanted to fight for his freedom. She fought him and lost, but upon her trip home she went into labor and gave birth to her filly. She was shocked to find out that her daughter was blind, which sent her into hiding for a while. After both Apophis and their daughter disappeared for a while, she found out she was pregnant again. She looked for Apophis high and low and could not find him. Struggling with emotional term oil the mare lost her drive to be part of the Healker, feeling more defeated than ever. She dropped her position and almost returned to her homeland, but the idea that she might one day see Apophis again has kept her in the land of Wild Equines. She ended up searching all of the lands and found herself within Lachlan Breck.