


7 months, 6 days ago



True Name : Steffen
Name : Laurelcrown
LAUREL –– For the peace he brought his mother, even if for only a short time
CROWN –– For his high spirits and dedication to move forward
Pastnames : Laurelkit, Laurelpaw
Age : 45 Moons (At Death)
Birthseason : Spring
Pronouns : He/Him
Patron : Blackbird
Rank : Warrior (Formerly)
Residence (In Life): Raven Grove
Residence (In Death): None, wandering
Mentor : Marshstomp
Apprentice : Flytrap

Summary : Dark red tom with a darker underside, back legs, face, and tail. He has sparse light spotting across his body, and off-white front paws. On the left side of his face is a massive scar that took his eye, alongside two jagged scars across his neck that resulted in his death. His eyes are silver, and he has a laurel crown around his head.
Breed : Abyssian Mix
Eye Colour : Silver
Height : Taller than average
Body Type : Lithe
Tail : Medium length and wispy
Scars : On the left side of his face, and two on his throat

Keen . Sarcastic . Ruthless

Within life, Laurelcrown was a complicated tom who was often regarded as keen, sarcastic, and ruthless. From a young age he adapted to be highly aware of his surroundings, deduce others intentions easily, and overally be the sharpest tool in the shed. Nothing would get past him, and he'd make sure to remember the slightest of slip ups. He was often sarcastic as well, easily meeting many with a slight jab, sometimes harsher. At his worst, he was terribly ruthless, aggressive, and even barbaric at times.

Some still try to reason why he did was he did, attempting to sweep through the valley in an attempt to seize any and all territory in the name of his clowder. A few ponder if it was for religious reasons, seeing himself as The Tempest's martyr, but the reality is much more depressing than any theory an elder can think up. Laurelcrown simply had a deep set fear of weakness, mostly within himself. Through delusions of doing the greater good for his clowder, he persuaded himself into committing terrible acts against others, all for the sake of himself, the clowder, and his family.

Within death, Laurelcrown has mostly stayed the same, simply more reserved and a bit more relaxed than he was before. Without the duties of being a warrior to uphold, a clowder to look after, or even others to concern himsef with on a personal level- outside of Jackaljaw, of course- he can relax more often, without a care in the world, but still finds it hard to socialize with the only cat that can see and hear him. While he tries to push Jackaljaw towards choices that will protect the young tom, he's long accepted that his wishes fall on deaf ears, and has mostly become a source of banter for the tom.

  • Winning
  • Strength
  • Toads
  • Fungus
  • Losing
  • Weakness
Fears : Weakness (within himself), losing everything, and parasites.
Habits : Praesent eleifend non nibh id gravida.
  • Duis in orci a massa aliquet ultricies.
  • Vestibulum id enim non est accumsan blandit vel id nunc.
  • Donec pulvinar mauris nec nunc finibus, sit amet posuere nibh consectetur.

Herbal Knowledge

Father : ???
Mother : Sageberry
Mate : ???
Kits : ???

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt velit ac tincidunt commodo. Nam nec ligula sit amet neque tincidunt efficitur et dapibus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi at massa egestas, dignissim elit ut, fringilla tellus.

Curabitur maximus sit amet neque pellentesque consequat. Curabitur dapibus dui ac fermentum fringilla. Aenean varius ornare urna, non luctus augue tristique a. Donec tortor ex, fringilla sit amet dignissim et, lobortis sed sem. Integer rhoncus lectus erat, in rhoncus ligula rhoncus sed. Nunc pellentesque massa nec orci vehicula malesuada.

code by jiko