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LETMEFUCKINUSEIT.png title - Notepad
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WOAH THERE BUSTER! before you go on and look at my profile, im gonna have to let you know a couple of things first!


- i highly suggest that you read this before you step into this place . . especially the boundaries portion, thats the surprise tool that will help you later/ref

- things on page that wont be tagged are swearing, weaponry, bugs, doll nudity (like barbie doll anatomy type shiz), scars (THIS INCLUDES SELF HARM SCARS!!!!! DRAWING S/H SCARS DOESN'T EQUAL ROMANTICIZING IT, IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT THEN LEAVE), clowns, and self shipping + ships in general. the stuff that will be tagged are bright colors/eyestrain(but some parts of my profile + characters profs may be eyestrainy so be careful!!) blood n gore (regular, candy, and possibly robotic), death, drug usage, vomit, and suggestive content (just jokes for the most part tho)!

- i am autistic and i have adhd, so please for the love o god be patient with me!! i have a flea brain and it can really show sometimes

- some of the characters here are CBCs / character based characters, or in some cases are an aftermath / precursor to an already existing character. they all are their own characters at the end of the day though, and if you don't like that just block me!!!

- none of my fav folders are meant to be used for dreamies! i just prefer keepin them somewhat organized and stacking them in pretty little piles :3

- i indulge in a LOT of different media, if i just stuck to the one thing for too long i think i would simply die (/j). but if i draw or make ocs relating to any game, show, book, whatever, that's considered problematic, i dont support the problematic elements in-game if any, or the creator if they're the reason why its problematic!

- please read my tos before interacting with me beyond subscribing and whatnot! that of which can be found over here

- also i recommend looking at my page on a computer, might look a bit weird on a phone!!

- i honestly don't care what you identify as, whether it be gender/sexuality-wise, in regards to any sort of religion, or if you're under the otherkin umbrella. as long as its not problematic or anything just dont be a dick to anyone who doesn't fit your beliefs and you're welcome to stay here


with that out of the way, enjoy ur time here -- and stay silly!



Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

the blacklist section will bring up stuff such as s/a, abuse, fetishization, noncon, discrimination, the whole fuckin shabang. so just keep this in mind and proceed with caution if you're still here.

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