Dekka (Cypher Cult (Obseletum Branch))



5 years, 7 months ago


Obseletum Branch Cult - 

(rough wip from a discussion with bean boy. Will refine later.)

The cult is probably like... All grems who want to become cyphers bc they see it as this next step in higher existence. To become all powerful. They try to all become cyphers naturally through the course of fate and think that trying to force a cypher transformation is greedy and that if fate thinks you shouldn't be a cypher there's a reason why. Only the "truly faithful/true followers" will be granted the blessing of being a cypher upon death. They don't do "drink the punch. it's poison" type stuff, they just let it happen naturally. So they're not very prosperous, but rarely some grems might become a cypher, and they think that when the cypher forgets about their past life it's like a purging of unimportant information to move onto a more important life stage. If someone were to try and force a cypher transformation they'd be like.. An extremist. Still welcome in the cult but not many would share their beliefs. They also won't help if a grem is dying bc they see every dangerous situation as a fateful moment that decides what will happen to the grem. Will they become a revered cypher or are they not a true believer? They think all cyphers are gods on Palleth. They all have little journals that have scribblings that essentially say  "Tim died and became a cypher this year. Amazing! I can't wait until I die, then fate will judge me as she sees fit and hopefully I'll become one of them too!"

Scary cult for sane grems

Good for cyphers