


5 years, 9 months ago


Name - Cosi 

Age - Twenty One 

Gender - Cis Female 

Sexuality - Lesbian 

Alignments - Libra | INFP | Lawful Good 

Occupation - Professional Florist , Hobbyist Photographer 

History - 

Born into a family of six, a mom, a dad, two sisters and a brother, and of course herself. Family was surprisingly rich, though it bothered her how stingy they were with their money. The parents were kind of mean, so the kids began to grow closer as they rebelled against there parents. One of the siblings eventually died in a car accident, ripping apart the connection between children parents more than had already happened. The kids then entered high school. Cosi met her girlfriend there, who she ended up moving in with once her family found out she was queer. She kept in contact with her brother, though her sister began to ignore her.

Personality - 

Cosi is a very shy individual, preferring often to be to left alone in places she finds comfortable rather than attending large, loud parties. She’s quite friendly for her shyness, willing to talk to just about anyone, but not necessarily enjoying it is a much as others might. Often she’ll go into re-charging modes where she won’t talk to anyone for a time that’s so long it vaguely scares some of her friends. They often try to get her to socialize more, but this usually just leads to stress and temperament issues. 

She’s incredibly observant, studying everyone and everything around her before finally make a final decision on what she wants to do. She gets highly uncomfortable when she doesn’t seem to understand something, which can bother her as she gets easily confused. She does her best to understand everything, but she isn’t very good at it just yet. 

When she does finally warm up to someone, she’s quite trusting of them and pretty clingy as well. She tends to speak in stupid puns and fandom references, of which very few people actually understand or get. She doesn’t mind, however. She just “leaves them to figure out the code.”

Likes - Plants, cookies, cinnamon, warmth, blankets, anime, indie music, autumn, sleep, witty puns, broadway, loud music, children, coffee, stickers, her laptop

Dislikes - Spicy foods, loud noises, headaches, cold, rock music, thunder, sand, hypocrites, plants dying, “punny”, stereotypes, alcohol, smoke, needles, crying

Inventory - laptop, phone, geeky headphones, flower crown (x2), camera, broken glasses