Kyouya Maverick



10 months, 16 days ago


"Have a taste of death."

Kyouya brushes hair out of his face, the camera zooms into his eyes; it cuts to the enemies inside a violet realm, and torn into shreds by spears.

- Kyouya's S-Craft: Realm of Death

A Trails/Kiseki series fan character. Kyouya belongs to the Septian Church's Congregation for the Sacraments, as the 12th Dominion of the Gralsritter. His title is the "Indomitable Reaper".


He has no memories of his past prior to being a Jaeger in a small name group. His earliest memory was of his group's defeat at the hands of the Red Constellation, where his stigma manifested due to the presence of an artifact—Torturer's Coffin. The coffin broke through the ground, and Kyouya's stigma absorbed it. He went berserk with his new power, but due to the Red Constellation's unity, they escaped mostly unscathed. Afterwards, he stumbled around as a mad child knowing only bloodlust until he ended up at Alster, and became friends with a boy who would turn out to be the Imperial King. He was sought out by a Dominion of the Septian Church later, and agreed to train under him to master his bloodlust. 

After his training concluded and he matured into an adult, he took up the title. He often works alone, venturing into the Beyond and showing his face every few years. He is considered an eccentric by the other Dominions as a result. He is nonetheless respected due to his power, and he is considered one of the strongest men in Zemuria.


Kyouya is snarky when lucid, and a complete madman when drunk off bloodlust. He lives for the fights even when conscious, although thanks to having the right people and being forced to work with Squires under him, his social skills has been enough he can be recognized as a man with some semblance of sanity. He enjoys competitive card games like Blade and Vantage Master, to the point it is terrifying.

He respects others with extraordinary strength who can give him a good fight like Aurelia Le Guin, Rean Schwarzer, and so on. But he has a natural distaste for the supernatural, and his distaste extends to McBurn and Roselia.

Power and Abilities

His stigma's innate ability is to keep Kyouya alive through his bloodlust. But absorbing the Torturer's Coffin has opened a new realm inside his mind called the Realm of Death, where Kyouya's worsening sadism tortures everything he welcomes into it, including himself. He is able to manifest objects from the Realm of Death as long as he imagines it clearly. This is how he manifests his scythe, and various phantasmal projectiles to attack, by torturing himself mentally. ARCUS II's unique function allows him to form temporary Combat Links with his foes to connect them to their Realm of Death which he uses as a distraction. His headspace isn't large enough to welcome someone for too long, so this dangerous technique is often a last resort or a quick distraction.

He carries around a polearm of some sort, and manifests the form of a scythe through the polearm as a physical medium, so it can deals physical damage, not just psychological damage like his stigma often relies on.