Mizu Ibuki



5 years, 11 months ago



NameMizu Ibuki


Kindness★ ★ ★ 
Caution★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence★ ★ ★ ★ 


Height5’3’’ / 1.62m


Mizu grew up in Violet City. She got her first pokemon, Croconut  the totodile, at a very young age from her parents. When she was about  6-years-old her parents suddenly vanished. From that moment on Mizu  learned how to take care of herself. She did several odd jobs until she  began her journey at age 11 after receiving a suspicious letter from her  parents.

Throughout her journey through Johto and Kanto the girl  always tried to obtain free food from whoever she met. She wished she  could just return to her hometown and settle down and find a job, but  she was too afraid her parents might find her and involve her in their  criminal business. So often she would become friends with someone only  to vanish the next day without a word. She even dressed up as boy for a  long time only to make sure that no one would know who she really was.

After  her first tournament, and some complicated confrontations with her  half-brother Proxy and her parents, the young woman started traveling  again. She visited a few friends, often freeloading at their houses for  weeks at a time. The blackhaired girl always had a hard time trusting  people, but after some time and a few heart-to-heart-talks, she finally  settled down in Mauville and started a job in a bar/store owned by the  family of a friend.
In the last tournament she joined, she got  pretty far. But after a round that confronted her with her biggest  anxieties, she decided to leave the tournament before it was finished.  She thought that it might have been a sign to be confronted with her  problems so she started her search for her parents who had been  currently gone missing which she had come to know from her half-brother.

During her search tho she made it to become the new Buffet Queen of Alola. And then someone from her past found her instead.

As always, Mizu didn’t want to have anything to do with this person. So she kept running away from them. She joing another tournament, that eventually got canceled and left again.

 Since Mizu traveled to Kanto dressed up as a boy, she learned Martial  Arts in the Saffron City Dojo. In fact, she has a black belt but might  be a bit rusty now.
 She’s also good at just taking care of pokemon. In her hometown she has  a pond with several wild water pokemon. She even considered maybe  opening a daycare but dismissed the idea for now.
 beside making coffee and serving beer and cocktails. She has a habbit  of playing cards with her guests. She may have learned a few card tricks  from a guy named Severin when they where in a tournament together.

Mizu  is blunt. She just speaks her mind, much to the chagrin of others. She  doesn’t even feel sorry when she said something rude and might not  apologize because she is stubborn. She has a hard time trusting People  too.
She is also very secretive. Since her childhood was rather hard  and not happy she may not speak about it ever. She’s very bad at talking  about feeling so the only feeling she can express is anger. And when  confronted with her feelings she might get even angrier.
On the  other side she loves her pokemon so much since they are the only ones  close to her. She would rather give up in a pokemon fight then seeing  her pokemon getting hurt very bad. Some would say her empathy for her  pokemon would be her biggest weakness.


  • Food, Food, Food, Beer,Her Pokemon of course, Martial Arts, Tattoos and  Piercings, The beach, Swimming, The Ocean, Trying out new  food/restaurants, money, instant noodles, getting things for free


  • starving, being broke, the feeling she is watched, her family, Team  Rocket, Someone hurting or treating Pokemon wrongly, Crowds, When the  attention is on her, People calling her egoistic/narcistic/tsundere

Pokemon Team

  • Croconut (Feraligatr)
  • Cake (Gengar)
  • Bublegum (Jumpluff)
  • Yakitori (Pidgeot)
  • Shabu Shabu (Acanine)
  • Muffin (Quagsire)



"Hito Tsugino"


Sui "Mia" Ibuki

twin sister

Character Name


♥ Additional


Significant OtherN/A


  • Mizu shows her affection when she is teasing someone or trying to embarrass them
  •   She gets angry if someone she likes is scolding her and then acts as if she doesn't care
  •   Mizu is wearing the same earrings as her friend Jay but in a different color  
  •  She prefers water type pokemon and has a little pond with some poliwag and wooper in it at home.
  •  Has a tattoo of a star on the left side of her hip


Gamble - Shiina RingoI can no longer walk
If I turned to ash, would everyone be happy?
Bad Apple -
RichaadED Ver.
Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night?
Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?
Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay, or should I go?
I've forgotten how to tell, did I ever even know?

Katoniago- FLiP
losing my way over and my steps falter, such is this life that I live, as if to mock my shocked face, the black cat and the crows…smile.

HTML by lowkeywicked