Beam | Red-Water | Voyager



6 months, 28 days ago



True Name
Kit Name
27 Moons
Birth Season
Spring 111
Water-Tribe (Previous | Fire)
Elora | Aquatist (Prev Diver)
Stolas | Voyager


"I Know what's like to feel different." "But I'm not different, am I?"

Child of Danny and Pyro, the first word that comes to mind when seeing Beam is cold. Fueled by a quick-burning anger, what used to push them forward no longer motivates them. Feeling as though the weight of the world is on their shoulders, that they are just different, Beam is a recluse. Not talking to many, always with a nasty looking on their face. They do not mean to be cruel, but that does not stop the hurt. They have love inside of them, some place they think is far far away.


Leathe and Nimble
Frosty blue with splashes of red
Sleek and soft, long around their head and dense at the chest/neck
Notable Features
Blonde bangs, fluffy chest, blue eyes, curled tail, white long eyelashes
Sugar Cookie
Confident, icy, sophisticated, unwelcoming, independant
'Blood (organ)', stylized piranha



  • Has a snaggle tooth, it's always sticking out from their mouth.
  • White eyelashes are an exact feature, they are long and very pretty!
  • Wears red eyeliner, the shade of red matches the red in their eye. The exact design of eyeliner can change depending on the day, but they usually have it on.
  • Used to have stripes on their sides, but it was retconned so they no longer have it!
  • They always wear the charm around their leg, which was gifted by Kya for those related to Arcis. They always wear the septum ring, made themself. The shark necklace, made by a jeweler. The blue gem and shark tooth necklace, made by Danny, is worm often. Gold bands, earrings, red necklace is worn semi often. Their water holder is only worn while working.
  • Has long strands of fur sticking up between their shoulder blades, never able to keep down.
  • Has a scar across their face from the fight against Worldeater.
  • Their hair is very soft and well kept. They don't left many people touch their fur around their face, as it is carefully styled.
Observant Quick to notice things.

Beam much rathers to be alone and read up on their interests. To not have to talk to others or have to have people rely on them. Sadly, they can’t have that. Still, their quick wit and calculating mind make them pick up on quite a lot of things. A mixture of book and street smart, not much goes past Beam if they care to pay attention.

Ambitious having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

While they no longer strive to become a head rank or leadership role as they did as a kitten, Beam still has a desire to succeed. They work hard, day and night, never wanting to let their mothers down or let their tribe down. They have grown tired in their job, but seem a bit obsessive with it.

Organized Arranged in a systematic way, especially on a large scale.

Beam is a rather orderly person, liking to do things a certain way, and prefers to keep things clean. A person of power must have a set schedule to make sure things get done, a philosophy that Beam has had since they were a kitten. They also have the attitude of an organized person, looking rather neat at all times and having a stoic look on their face. They schedule things in time increments, if you give them a task you can be confident they will get it down fast.

Reserved Slow to reveal emotion or opinions.

They rarely ever talk to others, often seen by themself on the outskirts of camp or doing their work. They don’t have much confidence in themself that they are the type to make friends, accepting the fact of solitude in their life. Not even being close with some of their own family, Beam finds comfort in being alone. They don’t know how to socialize, keeping their cards close.

Independent Free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.

Living a life of solitude is something the red water is okay with. They do not care to rely on others for anything, not needing to be told what to do, and not really caring for it when that is the case. They focus on their own things, do what needs to be done, and wants to be left on the side. Not liking checkups or others trying to help them. They live by surfs up quote “Cody’s this, Cody’s that. Cody is me, bro, let me be me.”

Resourceful Having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties

Beam believes you should be able to survive on your own without any help if the time comes for it. They have a quick wit and react fast to their surrounding. If you dumped them in the woods in the middle of nowhere, 9 times out of 10 they will come back to you and kick your ass. They are resilient, plan ahead, and are smart. They like to read up on those who live alone in the wilderness and survival notes. They make the most they can with what is given.

Blunt (of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright.

Not well used to talking to others, and never having much care about how their words come across, Beam can be rather blunt and awkward when speaking. They prefer to get things out of the way fast, believing ‘beating around the bush’ is just a time waster. Sometimes they have a rude attitude, and other times they just do not know how to be gentle or have a proper conversation with others.

Hot Tempered Easily angered; quick tempered

Beam's Achilles heel is being quick to anger. While usually cool and collected, the term ice queen seems to fit them well, they seem to not control their anger. They are not physically violent and do not make a scene, but anger is a quick emotion for the red water. In recent times they are trying to get a hold of their anger issues, but are still easily annoyed with others.

Cold lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional.

For those they do not know, Beam can appear very cold and distant to others. They don’t have much interest in others and wherever is going on in their life, not even having much interest in their own tribe. Not much emotion is revealed in Beam’s appearance, face always looking uninterested or annoyed. It is hard to break through Beam’s barrier and icy appearance.

Danny had a litter before, but they were long adults by now. She had grown reminiscent of having kittens. Luckily for the pink water, she had the beautiful Pyro. So, they had a litter together. Born among their four other siblings, Sevrin came into the world kicking and screaming in late spring. Born alongside Archie, Hamal, Rome, and Bambi.

When they were born, Beam was angry. His Mother, Danny, did her best to wash that anger away. That’s the way it has always been. One of their first meeting with others besides family was with Paddington, who was only met with distaste from Beam. She gave them gifts, talking to them, Bambi, and Hamal. This is where the kittens learned Bambi could not see, though Beam didn’t care. They knew Bambi was tough enough not to be stopped by something like that. This is also where Beam feels close to Hamal, loving his aloof attitude and spooky vibes.

Not many kittens were born in Spring 111, but all three litters were born to Fire-Tribe. One of the other litters was Griffin’s, Beam had finally met the other kittens. It did not go well, of course. Excalibur, Dagonet, and Mordred met Beam and Hamal. The other kittens got rocks from the Chief, something Beam was unimpressed with, and made it known to the other kittens. With Hamal there to ease them in, they introduced names to one another. While Beam liked Dagonet’s energy, they disliked the other two from the start. That feeling only grew when Mordred hissed and glared at Lovecraft, Beam’s cousin. The kitten and their brother leave the conversation, though Beam adds a hiss for good measure.

Danny comes over, sensing some issues, and has the kittens talk to one another. However, Beam’s feelings don’t change on Excalibur and Mordred.

Cappy, as well as Emyr and Rouge, visit Fire-Tribe for Cappy to meet his little siblings. Liking the healer’s casual and silly antics, Beam enjoyed his visit. While playing (the best Beam could play) with Cappy, the news struck about an attack in Earth-Tribe. In Beam’s eyes, this leads to Emyr taking Cappy away, causing the kitten to get annoyed.

As the tattoo ceremony gets closer, Beam and Hamal relax outside their family home. They discuss where each other would like to go, both having no real drive or passion for such matters. Hamal wants a quiet place, maybe one without much family, while Beam didn’t get it at the time, they now think about what he said often.


Their tattoo ceremony had a few bumps in the road. Beam got their tattoo first, Water-Tribe. Archie was next, nervous and afraid of it all. Earth-Tribe. Beam was confused about what Archie was so afraid of, not getting that feeling. Bambi avoids the totems and gets a tattoo, in response Hamal calls her a coward, Bambi insists that you should ‘save the best for last’. With scolding and reassurance from Danny and Pyro, the kittens move forward. Hamal gets shadow-tribe, and the kitten feels a tad bit disappointed they would not be in the same tribe. In an attempt at a joke, Beam calls Bambi a snail and that she is next. The joke didn’t land well, getting scolded by Danny and making Bambi upset. They try to reassure Bambi with the rest of their siblings, though Beam was never the best at that. In the end, Bambi got Earth while Rome got Fire.

Beam was happy after the gathering, looking forward to being in the same tribe as Danny. Often looking in the mirror or at their shoulder, hoping for the day it would turn pink like hers.

Not long after, Beam’s grandfather, Arcis, passes away. This is their first experience with death, it upsets them deeply as a kitten. It upset them more seeing Pyro so upset.

Kittens and young apprentices all over the tribes go missing, though no one in Beam’s litter does. Though Lune, their cousin, does. At the time Beam wasn’t focused on the events, just glad their littermates were still there.

Beam tries to have superiority over the new litter, boosting about their tattoo. They get a door to the face, leaving them embarrassed and angered. The longer Beam spends in the city makes them more and more bored, eventually sneaking into the library with Hamal to mess with the books to have them spell out messages. Beam comes into contact with the new litter, specifically Grotto, again while lounging outside their childhood home with Hamal and Archie. Beam remains annoyed as they all talk, thinking Grotto’s confidence and “professionalism” are silly.

Their true name ceremony gets close, Rome stops talking. Their other siblings comfort her, and she starts crying. She is upset over not getting water-tribe and being stuck in Fire-Tribe all by herself while the others get to go to new places. Beam doesn’t understand why she’s upset, assuming the next group of kittens would get fire-tattoos and that there are apprentices older than her in the same tribe. They tell her not to cry, that it's stupid to be upset over it since she can make friends with other kids, and that tattoos don't matter. Rome snaps, saying she was trying to be okay with them getting Water-Tribe but since they act like that, they could drown for all she cares. This shocks Beam, saying they don’t want Rome as a sibling anyway. Danny and Pyro rush in, asking what happened. Hamal responds with ‘Beam made everything worse like they always do’. Beam calls Rome sensitive, Danny snaps telling Beam to not talk to the family like that. To Beam, they feel targeted and outcasted. Beam tries to explain that they were trying to be nice and comfort Rome, Danny asks if Rome had taken it that way. The kitten doesn’t understand that, how should they know how she takes things? They were trying to be nice, to comfort her, how could they assume how she would feel? Danny explains that you should stop and think about your actions and how they affect others.

Danny tries to talk to Beam, to get them to open up. Beam admits how horrible life is, if everything is awful all the time what's the point in happiness? Nulls, death, attacks, kids disappearing. Danny says good things happen as well, to know there is good happening with the bad.


The gathering comes around, and Hamal and Beam talk while waiting for their names. Beam playfully teases and insults Hamal, just as he does. Their older sister, Fenn, gives them an odd look at their harsh words. Beam shrinks away, explaining that's just how they talk to one another.

They got their true names, getting ready to head to their future tribes. Rome and Beam talk, though the awkwardness is still there. Beam makes it known they’re becoming an aquatist, to be able to share and tell her more ocean facts. With a hug and sharing their new name, Beam leaves for Water-Tribe. They are assigned Elora as a mentor.

Within their first couple of days in Water Tribe, Beam meets Glacia. The two talk briefly, the apprentice trying their best to become more welcoming. They appreciate her welcome and short conversation.

Being in the same tribe, Lune and Beam become closer. Beam becoming protective of their cousin, the two start studying together in each other’s rooms. The apprentice tells Lune to be safe in their first station and to see a bunch of cool things for them. They give their cousin a sharpened bone to make sure he stays safe at their station.

Besides Lune, Beam doesn’t make much more effort to socialize. Mor, who came in with them and Lune, comes in their path every so often. Beam makes it known to him to never talk to them, and they aren’t interested in so much as knowing he exists. Danny talks with them partway through the season, checking in to see if they are doing well. Beam admits they aren’t sure if they like it in Water-Tribe, not liking how much family is there. The apprentice is also unable to use their powers well, hardly being able to light up their tattoo. They become more and more frustrated with life as time goes on. As Lune comes back from his station, they go back to spending time with him. Leaving them books they read about the ocean, different species, and other things with notes on sticky notes.

Dead fish rise to the surface of the water. Beam, Lune, and Lyric check it out as well as other aquatists. They examine the fish, trying to figure out the cause of death. It is later discovered that spirits known as Ragdolls caused the death of the fish.


Beam gets their first station! Going to Shadow-Tribe, Beam is excited to see their brother, Hamal, again. The two had been sending letters from time to time, and meeting at the border when they had the time, but Beam was happy to be in the same tribe as him again. The apprentice bangs against their brother's door, enjoying teasing him again.

Minus an adolescent almost getting murdered, Beam’s station was uneventful. Spending most of it with Hamal, meeting a kitten named Penny that reminded them a lot of their brother. Penny amuses Beam, even if they got fucking got. Their station is up, making sure to say goodbye to their brother. They admit they’ll miss them, patting him on the shoulder. This leads to Hamal calling them cringe, however. As soon as they make it back to Water-Tribe, they make sure to share everything they learned, saw, and gathered from Shadow-Tribe with Lune.


Beam becomes an adolescent, their tattoo getting a dark red color. They are a bit bummed over not getting pink to match their Mom and Meeps. They make sure to find out what Lune’s color is.

The gathering arrives, where Beam first meets some important people. Rottie, Mali, and Bloodhound. The brothers wrestle into the adol, leading to Beam snapping at them. Their meeting gets cut short and Danny and Ivar (Mali and Rottie’s father) interrupt them, sensing Beam’s hostility. Despite their short interaction, their presence sticks with Beam.

Beam’s next station is back in their childhood tribe, Fire-Tribe. They feel a bit nervous going back there, feeling different from who they were as a kitten. One of their first stops in the city is to visit Vergil and Elias, letting them know Lune ‘says hi’.

While in Fire-Tribe, Beam gets to know their niblings! Parsley, Verbena, Saffron, Aloe, Pepper, and Licorice. Their station was rather uneventful, this is a big point in Beam’s life where they realize how much they don’t like their job and have little to no connection with it. They say goodbye to their Meeps, accepting her thousands of kisses, take some homemade food home for Lune, and return back to Water-Tribe for the season.

When they return, Beam spends time around the Water-Tribe docks. Keeping an eye on the ships, the voyage maps, and the voyagers around the area. As they do, they come across voyager MacTire. The voyager lets Beam onto his boat, to ask questions and take a look around. After the conversation, Beam thanks MacTire. This conversation altered the adol’s career path.

At the end of the season, the Tribe’s go to war against Absinthe to take down the Nulls. Beam aids in the fight, getting to see the fucker go down with the help of the Spirits. They return with the others, relaxing with Lune and Lyric now that everything has ended.


The gathering comes by and Beam comes across Bloodhound, Mali, and Rottie once again. This time, their conversation goes by much more smoothly. The somber attitude of Bloodhound makes Beam known to be softer and not as harsh, the brothers learn to not be as rowdy around the water-triber. Though they don’t talk for long, and Beam still finds them annoying, they somehow have a bit of a charm to them.

Not that Beam would admit that.

As Beam’s distaste for their job grows and grows, they discover they have been stationed in Light-Tribe. They feel a migraine knowing a certain light-tribe soldier that lives there. Their first half of the station is boring, spending a day reading in the library. They become annoyed at hearing Rottie and Midas talking in the library but only give an annoyed look. Ronnie, Rottie’s Auncle, makes their presence known. To not mess with their family. Beam becomes more annoyed with the idea of family, and Rottie’s extended family.

While lost in the castle, Beam comes across Rottie, the two have a conversation and get into an argument due to Beam’s temper. Rottie says he wants to get to know Beam, which makes Beam upset because they think it is all just a joke. After some back and forth, the two have a sort of middle ground. Beam starts to believe Rottie.

An adolescent joins Light-Tribe, Bounmy. Rottie offers them a tour of the castle, when Beam walks by Rottie asks for them to join, and surprisingly they agree. Beam thinks Bounmy doesn’t appreciate Rottie’s gesture in the tour with their sarcasm.

Beam’s station is over, telling Rottie goodbye and runs into Bounmy in the hallway (...)

Beam arrives home, thinking about their job and life. How unhappy they are in their day-to-day life. After talking with Danny and Lune, Beam goes to Noemi to request a job change. Beam has changed ranks from Aquatist to Voyager.


Now a full red water and a voyager, Beam sends Hamal a letter. They had not sent him many letters for quite some time, they two talk back and forth while meeting at the border between Shadow and Water. Beam thinks about how much they missed their brother.

Despite just becoming a voyager, Beam gets an apprentice, Stolas! The two introduce themself to one another, talking about why Stolas picked the rank they did and family’s expectations. They become protective of the little guy fast. They make a detailed school plan for them, making ship model after ship model, extensive voyage plans, and many outings. They refuse to let the kid or Noemi down.

Oh wow a giant rip forms in the sky! Everyone prepares for battle, Beam prepares to die as they make meals for their apprentice. They promise to keep Stolas’ family safe in battle in their own way. They go to war against Worldeater! People die, Beam watches a water-triber get cut in half, Hound gets knocked out, Rottie sees them panic, their face gets busted open, their Ma almost goes down. But, they lived. Beam wonders if it was all worth it. They spend time with their Ma after, resting their head against her shoulder and they know.

They’d do it all again.

Rottie gifts them, Mali, and Hound a bond starstone so they can keep in contact easier. They are annoyed, but accept it. Stolas asks them why they’re upset and Beam admits they are their friends and they care about them.



  • Brushing their fur
  • Waterfalls
  • Music
  • Learning new things
  • The ocean
  • The smell of the sea


  • Attention on them
  • Being told what to do
  • Expectations
  • Losing
  • Being touched
Strength 5
Intelligence 21
Stealth 2
Charisma 10
Speed 5
Skill knowledge 14.4%
Arcane 80
Toughness 85

Writing Hobby| Master [ +4 INT ]
Your character can write stories and create whole new worlds through the power of imagination.

Reading Hobby | Master [ +20 ARC ]
Your character is passionate about reading the works of others and visiting fictional worlds through the wonderful world of reading.

Climbing Hobby | Master [ +20 tGH ]
Your character is better than others at climbing trees or cliffs and is less likely to fall off.

Skill One | Water Walking | Prof [ -4 dmg from water-type attacks ]
You walk on water, easy breezy. The more experienced you get, the less focus you need. Eventually, you can walk on water just as easily as you walk on land. Water becomes more integral and a part of your body, a part of your soul. It almost feels like you can't be hurt by it any more.

Skill Two|Water Manipulation|Prof [20% chance root. Deals 4 damage per each round held active.]
You've begun to control the water. You can lift and shape water at your wish; the amount of water and complexity of the shape depends on your experience and practice. Very useful for droughts and bringing water to camp for kits and elders and others who are unable to go fetch water on their own.

Skill Four | Phase | Novice [ 6 dmg (ice) OR diminishes enemy’s accuracy by 1 (gas) ]
You can change the physical state of water, be it liquid, solid or gas. Solid (Ice) works great as hard offense while gas (water vapor / steam / fog) is a great way to obscure the view of an enemy or mask your movements. You can also control the water, steam, or ice you have changed and make interesting shapes out of them for show.

Skill Five | Hydrogeneration | Novice [ Heals for 6 TGH ]
You can use water to heal yourself or an ally for a little bit of health and energy! While it cannot provide yourself with accurate medical care, it can be useful when in a pinch! The higher the mastery, the larger and more serious the wounds can be treated with water therapy. Fills the patient with a sense of calm and coolness provided by the water being used. Perfect for cleaning out wounds as well!

Skill Six | Water Whip | Novice [ Lashes at the enemy, twice a turn for 5 dmg per blow. (10 total) ]
Your control of water is faster and more precise, and you can now create a whip made of water that can be used to lash at prey or enemies. With more training the precision is increased further, permitting you to accurately strike objects far away. It can't be used as a lasso, but it can certainly strike like a snake!

Skill Seven | Thick and Thin | Novice [ Lower speed stat by 2.35% OR Accuracy by 1.35%]
You can change the viscosity of the water, making it more fluid and harder to gain control of, or less so and hard to move through or rid oneself of. I.e higher viscosity makes the water thick like honey, and lower makes it less dense, like air. Can help change the flow of rivers and gives the Water Tribers perfect control of its rowdy nature

Skill Eight| Pulling Water | Master [Blocks fire attacks + 30% dodge to other attacks]
You are incredibly attuned to water. You can feel it around you now, and your sensing of it is very fine. With this, you are able to pull water out of the world around you (grass, trees, plants, water trapped in rocks, even water in other animals), and your manipulation of it is excellent. As long as there's water around, you're able to make use of it!

Skill Nine | Creeping Ice | Prof [ Lowers accuracy by 2. 50% chance of rooting enemies. ]
With enough water you can cover the ground with ice, potentially freezing the feet of your enemies to immobilize them, or simply giving them unstable ground. Or you can send a ray of ice over the ground directly towards your enemy to freeze them. Also makes it possible to make neat ice rinks for winter activities!

Skill Eleven| Nine Tails |Prof [Root enemy OR 16 dmg ]
You have learned how to pressurize the water and can now create tendrils similar to the Water Whip, but these are attached to your body as if they were extra limbs or tails. With pressure, the water can be semi-solid but still fluid like water, enabling you to grasp or whip things with more precision. The more experienced you are, the finer your movements.

Skill Thirteen | Scalding Steam | Adept [Deals 13 dmg and causes 3 Burn DMG for 3 rounds ]
You are able to control the water molecules in the air, rapidly heating them up to turn liquid water into steam to then use as an attack to burn your foes! Depending on the level of mastery one has, the more severe the burn will be.

Skill Fourteen | Glacial Spears | Novice [ Conjures 1 spear to toss at enemy for 18 DMG ]
You are able to control the water molecules in the air, slowing them down and cooling them to turn liquid water into spears of ice to then use as an attack against your foes! These spears are extremely fragile and may break upon impact, however, so take caution while using them! The ice is cold to the touch, but does not melt due to your magic. The higher your skill level, the stronger the ice becomes

Skill Fifteen | Torrent Cloak | Novice [ Blocks for 18 dmg ]
You can change your entire body into water and make yourself entirely impervious to the needs of an average, mortal cat, and move through the water entirely unseen. You have control over holding the water of your body together, but the consequence to this is that you can only use this skill for so long before you begin to fall apart, which could spell devastating physical repercussions to your body. With practice, you can increase your time using this skill.

Pointed Hat | Master [ +6 INT ]
Star-covered hat with trimmed edges and a point. Apart of the Witch Set. Beam's own hat has blue gems dangling down, mimicking ice crystals. It is a dark gray, almost black.

Radiant Staff | Master [ +30 ARC ]
A shining crystal staff with a gemstone center. Apart of the Witch Set. Beam's staff is a dark gray, matching their hat, with swirl ridges going down the staff. A light blue shimmer on the tops of the ridges. The gemstone at the top is blue, matching their eyes. Smaller crystals surround it.

Magic Cloak | Master [ +6 CHR ]
A large cloth cape embedded with magic. Apart of the Witch Set. Beam's cloak falls over one shoulder with a pointed collar. Each end has long ribbons, a cream white compared to the dark gray cloak.

Witch Set | Set Bonus [ Refunds 3 Arcane for every skill. (Except passives.) ]
Wearing all three items in the Witch Set, Beam gets the set bonus.

Air Bubble Starstone | SS [ +1 INT ]
The Star Stone allows a cat to breathe underwater by creating an air bubble around their head - warning: it can pop! Due to Beam not being well at their skills, or even unlocking the Bubble Skill, Beam uses this starstone to go on their fishing trips and note taking. It is kept in their earring that looks like their Ma's eye color.

Nightwalker Starstone | SS [ +1 SPD ]
The Star Stone allows a cat to stay awake for long periods with no need for sleep. Something useful so they can read and be out on their own for however long they would like. The stone is in their earring that has the color of their Meeps eye color.

Wicked Starstone | SS [ +5 ARC ]
User gains the ability to enchant an item with one of their skills for a single use. Glowing crystals float around their body, a unique sigil appears in their eyes, and herbs grow around them. Beam keeps this stone on their staff, wrapped around the staff. Their wicked design is not yet designed.

A breeze of the harsh winter wind, the way it hurts your lungs to breathe in, the puffs of air floating around you proving you’re still alive despite the cold winter. That is Beam. Someone who longs to prove their potential, to prove they are worth all the trouble they caused. A hermit, a loner, someone who does not know how to connect with others yet longs for that attention.

Putting their life, all their free time, into a job that they don’t even like. Feeling smothered by the different types of sand and mud they learn about day after day. That the water that surrounds them will fall through. Only entered the job they did partially out of spite, but also in hopes of rebuilding that connection. It is clear of Beam’s distaste for their job, it is a wonder why they have not made the switch yet. Why they don’t let go of that silly childish hope and anger?

The red water is a tired and angry soul, their once wild eyes just wanting to lay down now. Though still not social, still not happy, and never content, Beam has given up on making that effort. They wander the neutral lands whenever they feel able, people watch in their camp from a distance, and sit on top of the ocean, and watch the birds fly by. They wonder when things will get easier if they ever do.

“Great loneliness, profound isolation, a cataclysmic, overpowering sense of being misunderstood. When does that kind of deep feeling just stop? Where does it go? At fifteen, the world ended over and over and over again. To be so young is a kind of self-violence. No foresight, an inflated sense of wisdom, and yet you’re still responsible for your mistakes.” - Julie Buntin


Capricorn | Amsu the Gryphon
Favorite Food
Fish and crackers
Chaotic Nuetral
Orange Rose


  • Beam is named after the Chainsaw Man character, Beam.
  • They wag their tail when they get really happy, will deny that they do it
  • Beam's Kitten name was Sevrin! Named after their Aunt, Hela (Seven)
  • Beam has a bad potty mouth, almost swearing every other word. A mouth of a sailor.
  • Beam struggles with mental health, esp when it comes to family. They get the feeling they 'love them' but they don't actually like them
  • Design wise, they were inspired by a Cookie Run character!
  • Characters that remind me of Beam is Cody from Surfs Up and Ash from Fantastic Mr Fox, their favorite movie really would be Surfs Up I don't make the rules
  • One of their favorite passtimes, besides reading, is surfing! They don't make it known, but you can sometimes find them out in the ocean on their board.
  • Really enjoys art, esp still lifes, but do not have much art talent themself. They enjoy poetry as well and more abstract art. They enjoy trying to find the deeper meaning in things and learning the history of the artist.