Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


General Warning

I have autism and ADHD and am really bad at conveying or understanding tone. Tone tags are quite useful to me.
I am 18+, my profile doesn't have any NSFW content because I'm ace and it makes me feel icky, so it should be safe for minors, but if you're under 16 please don't interact.
I also block freely to ensure I have a safe online space. I won't hesitate to block people if they make me uncomfortable, but I will always leave a comment somewhere on your profile explaining why or just saying that I am.


Do not interact with me if you follow basic DNI criteria. Also don't interact if you are an ultrakinnie. NSFW accounts may interact with me but I will be wary around you, and if it gets too uncomfortable for me I might block you sorry :(


  • Gore
  • Dark Themes

Age Regression

I am an age regressor. No, we are not disgusting people who romanticize chuldren. There's an excellent Mark Maker video explaining who we are and what happens. If you are unsure how old I am, you can just ask. Please do not discuss topics with me that you wouldn't discuss with a physical child when I'm in my little headspace. I usually don't go online when I'm little, so you very rarely will have a chance to interact with little me, but sometimes I just click buttons and I end up here.

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No thanks!