Prince Rosenwald Miqaedes



6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info





Age, birthday and zodiac

25-26 / 8.4 / Aries






Prince and the future king of Claelia


Gay, still very deep in the closet

Significant other

Secretly in a relationship with Rain


Father, mother dead, little brother and two sisters.

Physical description

178 cm/5'10'' tall, fit man who leans more towards bulkier built. Miqaedes has a light, not too pale skin, long dark brown hair which he keeps tied up very often and green eyes. He also has a stubble.





Miqaedes comes off as a very warm and inviting man who doesn't say no to any encounters with other people. He loves to socialize, meet new people and spend time with them as well as make new friends. As the charismatic leader he is expected to be, Miqaedes has good social skills and is aware of not only his own emotions and behavior but also others' emotions and behavior. He is very good at handling different kind of social situations, formal and casual, and is used to being in the center of the attention.

Miqaedes is a caring person: he cares a lot for him people, friends and family and only wants the best for them. He is always looking out for his loved ones, making sure that they are okay and helping them if needed. Miqaedes's affection doesn't only show through actions but also words. He wants to remind his loved ones that they are dear and important to them, whether it be through small gestures or words. Miqaedes is also a very self-sacrificing man as he puts everybody before himself and is ready to do almost anything to make his people, friends and family happy.

While Miqaedes is a polite person with good court manners and usually a good composure, he still struggles with some anger issues and letting his emotions get the best of him. He isn't exactly the most logical person as he often decides things in the heat of the moment - usually by his heart - and his emotions usually affect his decisions. Not only this, but Miqaedes can be pissed off or made angry pretty easily and when done so, it can be very hard for him to not let this show. He is quite ashamed of these traits of his and he is trying very hard to get rid of them.

Miqaedes is also not the idea prince son his father would like to have because he has his head in the clouds. From the very start, Miqaedes was quite hesitant to take the role of a future leader as he dreamed of a free life of adventuring, meeting new people and getting to know different cultures. This dream of his carried on into his adulthood life. While Miqaedes know that he has a huge responsibility on him, he still dreams of getting on all kinds of adventures. While helping his people is still very important to him, he doesn't want to just sit around in the castle all day. Sometimes Miqaedes might run off to do more interesting things in secret because of this even if that is not what he should be doing.

Miqaedes is a very humble man. He hasn't let his high position get into his head and doesn't think of himself any more highly as he would of others: he sees himself equal compared to the rest. He doesn't show off or boast about his accoplishments.
Because of his humbleness, he can be quite harsh and self-critical towards himself, especially if he is getting critique from someone else. He doesn't take this said critique really well and might sometimes take it rather personally. If he sees that his behavior has caused any trouble or problems, he will remember that really well and might beat himself up for it.
Sometimes the expectations Miqaedes has on him make him feel like he should be almost perfect. He is very self-conscious about his flaws and the things he lacks in and tries very hard to work on them. However, he often becomes exhausted from trying to be this perfect son and prince he can never be despite his best efforts.

Miqaedes is very passionate about equal rights and hates the grievances and the discrimination in the society. His goal in life is to fix these problems and hopeffuly achieve equality not only in his own country but in the neighbour countries as well.