


5 years, 11 months ago


Name: Nekern

Species: Mock Sphinx

Gender: Female

6'4 tall (upright), 190lb

Birth date: December 24

General personality: Nekern is filled with genuine kindness and a indiscriminate patience, which has a long rope.  She will usually respect most who cross her path, until they prove they deserve otherwise.  Sharp and feisty, quick to think and quick to speak.  Nekern is willing to speak loudly if needed and willing to fight for anyone who needs fair help.  While not particularly into the idea of showing her teeth, she will go beyond words when pushed too far by the wrong person.  Has a passion for collecting fairy folk and strange trinkets.

Important physical features: Generally long bodied, Nekern has shorter hind legs, and a well muscled upper body with long humanoid arms with padded, dextrous hands.  She has a long, angular face with wide cheek bones, small squinted eyes and large lips.  She is fluffy, sort of like a corgi, albeit sleek.  Her fur is a rich, golden color with lighter colored markings, dark skin and gold and red colored tattoos.  Prefers to wear elegant jewelry and flowing, draping clothing.

Story:  Nekern's early history is reletively unknown.  At some point she seems to have just appeared at the portal hub and hasn't left since, proving to be a valuable item keeper when it came to items that were confiscated by guards from travelers.  She also proves a protector of those staying near the hub who might otherwise be victims of kidnappings or poaching.  everyone who passes through the hub is likely to know Nekern.  

Random tidbits: Collects fairies, in particular nalcimi, which she has hundreds of in jars in her house.  Nekern is a trans female.  Carries a string of keys, there is no indication that these keys actually unlock anything at all.