Ryoko Aozora (Ryoko x Yoneya)



7 months, 9 days ago


Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday November 29
Star Sign Cetacea

Gender Female
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday December 15
Star Sign Cetacea
Height Difference
2 Inches

Age Difference
1 Month

Big spoon

Little spoon
Apologizes first

Waits for an apology
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Good penmanship

Chicken scratch
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How They Met

By the time Yoneya had met Ryoko, he had heard all about the rumors swirling around her, how she cheated in her solo Rank Wars using her Side Effect, how she would lie about not using her Side Effect and deceptively go back on her word- and Yoneya didn't believe a single word of it. Instead, he challenged Ryoko to a match, and although he won by a single round, it was enough to perk Ryoko's spirit back up and seal the deal on the two of them becoming battle buddies.

Their Relationship

This couple is the definition of "two peas in a pod" and they love every moment of it together! Anyone would think that one of them would eventually run out of energy between the two of them, but no- somehow, someway, it's like Ryoko and Yoneya have a perpetual, supercharged, shared energy outlet that keeps them both on the same level of half chill, have energetic vibes that can turn on a dime.

They tend to be realistically optimistic about experiencing things together. They're not about to elope or ignore their duties to Border- but a spontaneous, on the fly joint decision to sprint along the river's edge, running and running as far as they can together, just because they decided they wanted to, followed by sunset-framed high fives, cheering and amping each other up? Absolutely going to happen.

How Yoneya Feels

Even if they had never met before, it just didn't sit right with Yoneya to hear the rumors about Ryoko and he immediately wanted to get her back on her feet again. It wasn't even a matter of Ryoko owing him anything, but the two of them are so similar in their personalities, he immediately clicked with her and it was hardly a surprise when he developed romantic feelings for her. Ryoko is his battle buddy, his ride or die friend, and his girlfriend all in one!

How Ryoko Feels

Yoneya's offer for a solo Rank War match could've easily been misunderstood as pity or mocking, but from the very start, Ryoko could tell he wanted to help her. If there's anything Ryoko trusts most it's her gut feeling, and as it carried her through her initial friendship with Yoneya, that gut feeling deepened into love and trust. If there's someone that always has her back, come hell or high water, Ryoko has no doubt about it- it's going to be Yoneya!


  • Their ship name is Ryoneya. ♥
  • They have a habit of borrowing each other's clothes and are often seen wearing things that clearly belong to the other. This quirky little habit of theirs is usually limited to shirts or jackets, but there are times when they're out in public and mischievously initiate a sudden shirt swap protocol, which is self explanatory. It's usually used as a playful joke when they're hanging out with Miwa, who never finds it amusing, but doesn't care to comment on their harmless antics.
  • These two are a "do everything under the sun at least once" couple in regards to how they spend their time together. Though Yoneya and Ryoko prefer sparring sessions with each other or other Border agents to pretty much anything else, they've dabbled in cooking together (usually causing a comedic/catastrophic mess in the process), watching movies (they prefer doing that at home rather than in a theater so they can laugh and crack jokes while watching), and touring the local convenience stores to try and rate the latest snack trends.