Cherilyn's Comments

bats my eyelashes. i could offer art....

Id be more than happy to accept this!! :3 you can offer whatever amount/type you deem fair ofc!

does a full and two chibis (or two icons! idm which!) sound fair? :O i'm happy to add on more if you want :D

omg yeah absolutely!! c: dw that's more than enough! would you be okay doing the full of and the chibis of (in his sheep costume, not the humanoid form or anything lol) and ? (tail and claws are optional!) lmk if i should change anything :D

i can absolutely do that!!! :DD i'll keep u posted!!

YAY thank you so much!! Absolutely no rush as always, lemme put this guy on hold for ya c:

hiya !! all the art should be pending ! please tell me if  you want anything changed <3

THESE ARE PERFECT AS ALWAYS OMG 😭💖 in love with the fester one especially, you drew him so perfectly!!! I’ll send the baby over rn :•D