


8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info






Demon Canine




Tough guy who's actually a huge softie where cats are concerned. He's got some demon blood in his veins but doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to using whatever 'powers' this may entail. He's pretty clueless for the most part, but I doubt he'd admit it. Insists he's not a little kid, but actually is very childish. He acts like he's a cool teenager and he tends to give off an 'I could care less' vibe, unless it directly involves him somehow, but despite this he cares for the people around him rather deeply and has a habit of helping those who are in trouble, even if it does inconvenience him.. Collie tends to mind his own, though he never loses himself in a crowd, he's the type to blend into the masses but never truly conform, or fit in. Collie is largely his own person, and he tends to be by himself. 

In his childhood Collie had to deal with a lot of responsibility, crafting him into a rather capable individual-- even if he rarely actually wants to do anything. He's somewhat lethargic when it comes to chores, but aiding others and his own agenda are never a problem for his procrastination. Collie really tries his best, even if he pretends he doesn't actually care one way or the other, usually it's just an act and he's trying to brush it off like it's insignificant so he seems cooler.

In Collie's later stages he becomes a demon hunter in effort to defend the people, weilding dual sickles and boasting some demonic magic to his name. Collie often messes up, and is the hero who seems cool at first-- but then does or says something silly that makes you doubt whether they're really capable or not. When he does reach this point he becomes more cheerful and confident, trademarking a goofy grin. He's usually got band-aids on his elbows, knees or face, simply because of recklessness.