Wolf's Comments

Is she open for friendships? 

The Character is a old one or one that has lived a long time , not real good or evil . She's fairly Neutral and will focus on her own Will or goal more then that of others unless a contract is created . It rarely happens that the contracters Will and or promise made with wolf would contradict what little or any moral she has . She is seemingly all powerful and knowing . She's not god like in my eyes , intelligent but simple and is driving by her own goal and desire which is actually quite stupid of her . I hold this Character near and dear to my Heart for it is the oldest one I have and have created with the most detail .

I'd be more the happy to see you make links/connects with her . Be that romantically and or otherwise .

Just know that from my point of view as the creater , Wolf would never seem lustful or in love . It's not impossible for this character to fall in love but she has never felt love and would probably never be able to tell and would be oblivious to her own feelings . Story wise I'd feel like other characters she's meet in her life would have such feelings towards her of love or lust and probably made a contract to keep her as their own for as long as they have lived . Those have probably ended with the death of the contracter by a limited life span , cruelty abuse towards wolf , or her simple being unable to do so . 

As for friendship I'd feel like wolf herself would never really consider others as friends as she lives a long immortal life . Others may feel at aww of such a silent and stoic character . I could see her having fun with others and acting like friends , a good story actually .

Sorry it's such a long reply , but yes feel free to do and make whatever kinds of connections , However many with Whoever . Be a creature of Earth or another space , outer space . Original World , Ones with a Humans or Dragons even Characters of Original species. Heck I'd Love to make a story or roleplay with any such connections you think would be fun . 

Ok good because I wasn’t looking really for romantic partners for my characters, just allies XD

Oof yeah , I can't wait to see what you come up with . Story wise she'll grant any wish for the right price ;3 a little nibble of something new