Leone's Comments

Done everything but the bulletin!

Entering!! Subbed + Faved three characters

Faved this


Faved those 4 characters!

Faved this faved an extra and subbed! ^^

I did everything except for the bulletin!!

Entered! I did everything aside from the bulletin.

Faved this and subbed! Thanks for the chance^^

Entered. Faved, subbed, faved the linked characters and bulletin

Faved, subbed and faved all chars

enter here:

Entered! + Faved all OCs, will be making a bulletin in a moment! Already subbed too :]

Edit: Bulletin made! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1552095.cool-f2e-raffle-nm

Subbed+faved 4

Faved all and subbed!

Favd this + all the other ocs!


Subscribe and favourite all characters

Entering! subbed and favorited all!

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entered, faved, faved affi, and subbed

entered!!! Faved all of the ocs (they were too cute not to) and subbed as well!

This user's account has been closed.
