Loner Detective



7 months, 11 days ago


Loner Detective - aka Harm Verhoef

Pronouns: they/them
Age: 29 yrs.

Loner tends to be awfully standoffish and harsh to other detectives in the alliance. As their alias implies, they prefer to work alone, and will often drop cases when higher-ups attempt to get them to work with someone else. They do, however, have a soft spot for kids, and they do a pretty good job at mentoring younger detectives. 

When they first joined the DA, it was under the alias of "Private Detective," in which they first solved cybercrimes. Seeing as the severity of those crimes increased the longer they were part of the DA, the nature of their cases turned to more stealthy operations regarding both national and international security. On one such case, they busted an operation that was running under the guise of an orphanage; during this case, one of the kids begged them afterward to let her join the DA, and so they agreed and ended up mentoring her - who ended up going by the alias of "Optimist Detective."
A year later, Loner brought her along on a case that ended up going horribly wrong - The Sevynn Family Collapse. They were assigned to work with another detective named Heavy Detective, who ended up trying to confront the criminals after Loner had solved the case. The building ended up blowing up, and while Loner managed to evacuate most people, they realized Optimist was still inside and rushed back in. Loner found her, dead, and nearly ended up dying themself. Heavy Detective ended up shielding them with his body, leaving Loner as the one survivor underneath the rubble. After which they refused to take any cases with anyone else.

Loner ended up getting assigned three new kids to mentor by the DA's higher-ups in order to encourage them to work with others more. While they were unwilling at first, they ended up adoring those three and eventually officially adopting all three of them. Their plans in life were uprooted by The Sevynn Family Collapse, but the life they end up living in spite of it is fulfilling to them.