


5 months, 26 days ago


-39 years old

-Former colosseum champion of 8 years, a line of misery as he was basically kept captive for profit

-Faked his death to escape from it all and soon joins the crew when Galtin offers to give him a better life of not being on the run

-Fr went on dates, gave kisses and treats so so well to this one guy and went "ya he's a good friend" 

-Adopted two former assassins

-He doesn't let his rage get the better of him often but when he does he's pretty much unable to control it. Just going on rampages regardless on who's in his path. Z.Z. insisted on not being paired up with him for anymore jobs bc of this. It.. Hurts him a little on the inside but he understands.

-Basically the big brother of the crew, making sure they're doing okay and will be their emotional support if needed. One example being around Carlow to ease his anxiety that everyone will reject him to be friendly with him, another (that's also currently happening) is with Kasper, making sure it's known the cat is actually wanted around and not being only used for his resources.

-Has illusion magic and can make platforms if needed. He mainly uses the platforms but hasn't really used the illusion magic since escaping the colosseum.

-His prosthetic has a flamethrower attachment, can pop out from the palm of his hand.