The Conductor



7 months, 13 days ago


The Conductor


Name Cantor
Species Farlander
Gender Male
Alignment Luner
Series Theend
Mark Unmarked
Age 22
Playlist Click ME


  • Envious
  • Wrathful
  • Hopeless romantic


  • His wife Juley
  • His wife Juley
  • His wife Juley

He started fueled by spite, now he's just a thing on strings waiting to die. Master of the world for a week, he had everything he wanted. After that, he didn't want anything.


The Conductor is/was the ruler of the world, due to a deal with Luner to try and find fulfillment. Luner gave him the blueprints to ressurection, a wife, and influence over the world, all he wanted in return was one person dead. Edd End


In the past, Cantor had an awful home life after his mother's death. He spent years on earth trying to find a reason to go on. After his encounter with Luner, Cantor wanted Edd dead so he can undo the mess he's made of the world, and so he can live happily with his wife.

When Cantor found out the Vizors he's made controlled the minds of the wearers, he was sent into a panic. Not knowing if his wife's love was manufactured. She was equally frightened at the idea, but claims that she wouldn't mind if she was forced into loving him. She copes by saying, "Who chooses to fall in love anyway?"


  • The Conductor is named after Rob Cantor.
  • The Conductor's vizor is based on tech-X of the binding of Isaac and similar headsets.
  • The Conductor's weapon "The Golden Baton" is based on the needles from Mother 3.
  • The company that Cantor owns "Vim Vizors" is named after Vim factory from "Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time".
  • Cantor sounds like Vincent "Funny Calzone Man" Pizzapasta.



Luner "Business partner"

Satan in the body of a 12 year old, eyes of pitch black, and no mouth (Most of the time). While not the embodiment of evil, he is the judge and executioner.


Edd End Rival

The one person keeping Cantor from fixing his mistakes and living a peaceful life.