Shimmering Stardust



7 months, 9 days ago



Name Shimmering Stardust
Called Little Magician
Age 22
Gender Woman, Cisgender
Sexuality Aromantic Asexual
Role Daughter of Trixie and Sunburst, Student of Magic
Demeanor Determined, Resilient, Impulsive, Witty
Theme Song Link


  • Experimenting with Magic
  • Studying under Starlight Glimmer
  • Nightmare Night
  • Las Pegasus


  • Struggling with a Spell
  • Disappointing her Parents
  • Hayburgers
  • Being Late


Shimmering Stardust is the daughter of Trixie and Sunburst, and the private student of their closest friend, Starlight Glimmer. Though she respects the sleight of hand tricks her mother can perform and enjoys learning about magical theory from her father, she is determined to learn 'real magic'- no tricks, no books, just instinct. To Stardust, magic is about making your wishes manifest themselves, not about performing spells written by other ponies. As much as she loves magic, though, she often struggles with it, finding it hard to perform anything more complicated than glitter, sparkles and light. Her nickname is 'Little Magician,' which she hates since she feels that it's condescending. Like Trixie, she loves the glitz and glam of showmanship and makes an ok living off of the parlor tricks her mother taught her, working in an entertainment bar when Starlight Glimmer is too busy to mentor her. While she dislikes performing tricks instead of real magic, bits are bits, and she needs to eat. She is close with her parents despite her differences from them, and tries to make sure she makes it home regularly to catch up with them.

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