Ruan Wren



6 months, 28 days ago


Ruan Wren


Name Ruan Wren
Called Wren
Faction Herta Space Station
Element Imaginary
Path The Harmony
World Herta Space Station
Rarity ✦✦✦✦✦
Voice Enoki Junya


  • Workaholic
  • Socially awkward
  • Can get a little too fixated on his studies


  • Tomato-based dishes
  • His mother's sweets
  • Submitting his work on time

Seen as a prodigy and Herta's rival, Wren is a young man who has made a name for himself on Herta Space Station - having become the founder of the Department of Insight at a young age, many researchers call him an inspiration. "There's nothing Wren can't do!" Is a commonly heard catchphrase, especially with members of his department.


The young founder of the Department of Insight.

Wren is a focused and diligent individual who many researchers admire, claiming his intelligence might one day surpass Herta herself.

(ahem, please don't tell her they're saying that.)

However, Wren isn't the most sociable person on the space station, locking himself away in his lab for days at a time to study. Trying to get him out of his lab and interact with others is like nails on a chalkboard. Though, it can't be helped - a prodigy such as him must have plenty of projects on his table.

Character story 1

The sound of crying was not what any of them expected to hear upon opening the crate sent to them.

Precious metals from Jarilo-VI, a gift from the IPC to help further the Society's research. The crate was heavy and rich with materials that'd surely help in at least one project the group had planned.

But when the crate was placed down, they could all hear... sounds from it. Was it one of the Fragmentum's monsters? Or perhaps a stowaway?

"Screwllum, open the crate."

Inside the crate laying atop the metals was a baby, staring up with wide, deer-like eyes at the various figures he could not recognize. And as any baby would do, he burst into tears. Nobody in the Society was equipped to handle such a small human, so they all stood there and processed this unforseeable event.

Then, she stepped forward.

She took the baby into her arms and cradled him so gently, humming a lullaby that was well-known on the flagship she hailed from. The baby was soon placated by the lullaby, drifting off to sleep in her arms.

"It seems none of you are capable of caring for this little one. I suppose I will take him in."

Character Story 2



  • Wren shares the Japanese voice actor - Enoki Junya (榎木 淳弥) - with Caelus.
  • This version of Wren deviates somewhat from his Genshin Impact counterpart. He is a lot more withdrawn and stiff, but he still maintains the same child-like curiosity and enthusiasm for learning as his other world self.

    The diverging point between Wren and his other world counterpart is their upbringing. Wren in Honkai: Star Rail was adopted by Ruan Mei and raised in a kind environment. Whereas Wren in Genshin Impact was forced to live with a neglectful aunt for most of his childhood, then having to fend for himself after running away.

  • Through their character stories, it is heavily implied Aimé and Wren were abandoned in the same place, but both of them were taken in by different factions and likely are unaware of their relation to each other.



Herta coworkers

Wren and Herta do not see eye to eye, with Herta often barging into Wren's study room and poking around despite him telling her countless times to stop. Their personalities do not mesh very well, and as a result Wren often feels Herta is looking down on him which leads to him overworking himself.


Ruan Mei mother

Ruan Mei adopted Wren when he was just a baby, taking him in after the incident with the Genius Society. She loves him very dearly and raised him with all of the kindness and care she had. While she doesn't agree with what a workaholic her son has turned into, she will often scold him through her little robot when she can't physically visit him. On days where Mei can visit, she'll bring him his favorite homemade sweets.


Asta coworkers

Asta is often the one trying to convince Wren to leave his study more often and socialize with his fellow researchers. Her straightforward personality intimidates Wren a lot however, so she's yet to successfully get him out of his room for more than an hour.