Cybernetic Eevee's Comments

I'm strapped rn but I'd love to offer art!! I can easily do a fullbody or halfbody interaction piece plus a bust extra! 

Hello, I'm so sorry for the late reply — I had the flu!
Were you still interested in this lil' guy?

Oh that sucks I'm sorry, hope you're well now or at least better!! 

I was! 

I am recovered now, thank you. ♥

I'd love a piece of these two interacting!
Something light-hearted, their size difference is as pictured.
The yellow one's ears are small, rounded triangles like a weasel, not folded like a dog.
The cat's stripes don't have to be exact, just similar distritbution.
Not picky if half or full body!

And for the bust, this guy, please.
Either hair color is fine.

I'll mark them down as pending for a month, but if you need more time, please don't hesitate to let me know! ♥

A month at most would be great! I'll write this all down when I'm home bc I'm at work rn! Tysm I'm excited!!