Ametrine Belle



6 months, 13 days ago


"everything is beautiful when cast onto a canvas."
  • ponyville's pinnacle of beauty, ametrine belle, often called "ames" as a nickname, is the only daughter of rarity belle and trenderhoof. she has inherited not only her mother's stunning looks, but also the creative bone that both parents possess.
  • ametrine belle makes her living working with pumpkin as a waitress in the tea shop, but her calling is painting. she spends most of her free time painting extravagant portraits and scenery.
  • ametrine spent a large portion of her childhood participating in pageants. her mother is a dazzle in the fashion community around equestria and she took great pride in dressing up her daughter and winning competitions with her beauty. eventually, though, ametrine grew out of the fancy updos and frilly dresses and makeup. at first, she tried her hoof at making dresses with her mother. she made some pretty designs, but nothing as wonderous and genius as her mother's. sketch after sketch after sketch, ametrine simply could not replicate the same level of intricacy. eventually, her sketches became something different. in her frustration and boredom, she instead drew other things to take her mind off of the upset. she drew a scene of ponyville while sitting outside of her home.
  • she thought nothing of her drawings at first. they were simply something to pass the time. it wasn't until she found a small obsession for it that she admitted she loved it and it became a hobby. when she wasn't helping her mother, she was drawing. these drawings were nothing to write home about, in her opinion. it was simply pencil to paper. when rarity discovered her sketchbook, she was astounded! she recognized talent and was happy to provide ametrine with all she needed. ametrine obtained pencils and all sorts of paints. her cutie mark was achieved after painting a redrawn scene of ponyville from her doorstep.