


6 months, 22 days ago


Part of ErrorEmma's "Wirk" passion project!

(Avatar by ErrorEmma)

Thorn is a young rouge Firth who is intent on finding his family, who all disappeared when he was still very young. He is quick to anger towards others, but has a soft spot toward orphaned Wirks of all kinds except Vis, and those who feel lost. He can often be found laying in a sunny spot or with a swift who he sort of keeps as a pet nestled between his antlers. He hates snow and the cold, as well as being alone. He harbors a deep hatred toward all Vis, after finding out a small group of them drowned his parents and murdered his sister with their bare claws. When he gets mad, he goes somewhat psychotic with rage and anger. He is a generally basic Wirk, with mostly common and a few uncommon traits, except for his claws, being the rare trait Terror-claw, (which I forgot to tell ErrorEmma to add. Bad planning on my part) [(I'll do a full re-draw and reference later, I promise y'all.)] Lithe and agile, he is an impressive climber and fighter. Full backstory coming soon!!! ^w^