✰ cassius



6 months, 21 days ago


"Did you miss me, Sasha?"

Previously assumed dead by the aforementioned Sasha, Cassius is a cursed man who would do anything and everything to achieve his 'eternity.'

information on his weapon/lore tidbits ahead;

The Red Moths Spear of Eternity

  Wielded by Cassius, the Red Moths spear is an ancient magic weapon ‘passed down’ his family line. Forged centuries before him, it sat on the walls of his family's home collecting dust for years. Legend was told that those who wield it will be overtaken with bloodlust and the urge to destroy, to gain more and more power - to achieve the Eternity they dream of. When Cassius grabbed it, he wasn’t thinking about this. He is the first victim of the Red Moths Spear in the current living lineage of his family. The last victim was over a century prior, before even his great-grandparents were born. This is a cursed weapon. 


-Is a summoned weapon - AKA, it can appear at will as he, for example, opens his palm and desires it to be in his hand - it will materialize and disappear according to his will

-Enhances its wielder's physical strength and skill tenfold when equipped

 -Though his wings are broken/burnt and torn at the ends, the spear can temporarily ‘fix’ them, and make them grow larger. However, if he gets too unstable, it can overtake his body and cause him to start entering what may be reminiscent of a beast form - though much more grotesque... 


-As mentioned, this is a cursed weapon of madness. The wielder grows obsessed with their idea of the perfect ‘eternity.’ Eliminating anything that stands in the way of that eternity is included.

-Being an overwhelmingly powerful weapon, it can cause harm to its wielder if they are not strong enough - in Cassius’s case, his wings started to dissolve off his body when he first held the weapon (hence their current state), but his will won the battle against the spear, and it submits to him. As mentioned, if he gets too unstable, the ‘will’ of the spear may overtake his own and turn him into a monster. 

-It is believed that one must grab the weapon away from him entirely to ‘fix’ him, and therefore, take the weapons curse onto themselves - even if he drops the weapon in a river, it will just return to its non-physical state in his arsenal. The only reason it ended up on their wall was because its previous wielder put it there in her dying breaths, the curse only leaving her in death.