
6 months, 25 days ago


Avilasa (a very secret personal desire) is the assistant of the Second Harbinger Lord Dottore. She appears by his side during formal events and often in his place.

A native Mondstadter and bastard child of the Lawrence Clan, it is said she betrayed her home and was taken in by Dottore. She is his lead Ley Line and Alchemy researcher who works very hard not to become his next experiment.

Cold and withdrawn, she intimidates even her fellow researchers with the cold look in her eyes and the scar that splits her face in half. Avilasa is malleable to the Doctor's orders and seems to dedicate her sole purpose for his satisfaction.



It has been four years since that day... Since Lord Dottore brought me to Snezhnaya, I have hardly left his lab and palace. And since he has lost his segments, my workload will only increase. Whatever menial jobs, diplomatic meetings that he does not want to attend, I suppose I will go in his stead. Maybe... that is better than the lab.

It would be best for you to remain with your head low. Catching Lord Dottore's interest as a researcher straddles a line closely to becoming his next experiment. But displease him with a lack of results... and you'll end up an experiment anyway.

- Avilasa to her junior


Maybe not terrifying on her own, but to have survived here since she was 15, and become Lord Dottore's favorite... what has she done?

- Description from creator

Quiet and withdrawn. Avilasa is impossible to read, and always at work. She is in a permanent state of exhaustion and great tension, but is always so rigid in order to survive. There is a grim determination in her heart to finish her mission, and she lives with the constant threat of death over her head.


Avilasa has light blue hair of a Lawrence Clan member, but dark blue eyes and light freckles. Her hair is messily tied up and she is constantly flicking her hair out of her eyes. She seems to always have dark bags under her eyes, and is tall and wiry.

Oftentimes wears black and dark red clothes. She most often wears a dark red jacket to combat the cold, shedding it only when in the lab. Avilasa has a fancy gold and red necklace which was a gift from an unknown person. She also wears a sun earring from Mondstadt. Her vision is under her many layers of clothes, pressed aginst her skin and hidden from her vision hating master.


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Character Stories

Character Details

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Story 1

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

Story 2

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable.


The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


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Wilted Sprout
Full name Avilasa Lawrence
Age 19
Race Human
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Lord Dottore's Assistant/Protoge
Orientation Ace/Aro

Rarity 5 Star
Weapon Bow
Element Dendro
Gender Female
Birthday 2/19
Constellation Flos Gelida
Nation Snezhnaya
Affliation Fatui (Informaton Network)

Traitor of Mondstadt

The Doctor's Protege

Alchemist Genius

Spy of Network



Il Dottore
Her master and superior. Deeply terrified of Dottore turning her into an experiment. Recruited her personally from Mondstadt and has handed her some of his duties since his segments were destroyed.

Former childhood friends. He nearly killed Avilasa (and scarred her permanently) when he found her in Snezhnaya. They communicate secretly through an information network as she smuggles out information.


TLDR; Fatui officer, protege and assistant to Lord Dottore the Second Harbinger who is in actuality a spy for the secret intelligence network mentioned in Diluc's story quest. Specialized in ley lines and alchemy. Recently was promoted after the events of the Sumeru Archon Quest when Omega Dottore killed off all the other segments, creating an influx of work needed to be completed. Avilsa's Dendro Vision has faded and it is very hard for her to use it, but has done a good job so far hiding it from him in fear of becoming an experiment

-- A few years younger than Diluc, was a teen during the Crepus incident
-- Member of the Lawrence Clan, a bastard child who was thrown out of the clan pretty early on
--- Although that helped her, because she was more easily accepted by Mondstadters. Still did face a bit of anger from some people though
-- Grew up with Diluc and Jean and Kaeya and Barbara. Wanted to be part of the Alchemy Commission of the Knights when she grew up. Well known for her successful experiments with extracting energy and power from ley lines. Got a dendro vision when she was young
-- Crepus incident happened. Ursa Drake, Crepus dies, Kaeya and Diluc fight. Dottore is still in Mondstadt, she offers herself to be his assistant- says she hates Mondstadt because they curse her for being part of Lawrence Clan, that they rejected her studies (mostly lies), it reminds Dottore of his past and young Dottore agrees to take her to Snezhnaya
--- Mondstadters thought she was kidnapped
-- Diluc does his totally not terrifying rampage through Snezhnaya and Fatui. Finds her and thinks she betrayed Mondstadt, nearly kills her, last second explaining done. She directs him to the information guild that he's a part of that inadvertently saves his life
-- Acts as one of Dottore's many assistants in the lab. Did her best to remain out of sight and out of mind in the first few years to just survive and adjust
--- Had to become more proactive eventually to catch Prime's attention though: interesting enough to catch his attention but not too interesting that he dissects her
--- Currently one of his higher assistants, tired and busy trying to survive after Sumeru Archon quest and his segments died off. Probably helping him try to remake his segments
-- Refused to take place in human experiments and insisted she was an alchemist. Still has seen some horrific shit, being high up in Dottore's ladder means seeing pretty bad stuff
-- Mostly just trying to survive and not be outed as a spy. Sending sprase detail and information to the secret intelligence guild that Diluc's a part of
-- Dendro vision doesn't work very well anymore. It's kind of faded because her love of knowledge is mostly dead. She's seen horrific shit that Dottore and his assistants due in the pursuit of knowledge and would rather not
--- Kind of like the concept that plants can't grow in such cold environments
--- Never told Dottore or showed it to him. He knows she has a vision but he's salty about not having a vision himself (canonically) so she never brings it up. Honestly scared he'd experiment on her if she told him