


6 months, 21 days ago

Basic Info




GF, Guyfriend, Gege (Chico), Gee (Chico), BF-57738


Ageless. Physically 19


5'5"/165 cm





Guy is a clone of Boyfriend who broke out of a research facility with two other clones. It is often cowardly, preferring to avoid risky situations. However, when it comes to its friends, Guy will push itself to go through hardships, just for them. It's friendly, but socially awkward, having never socialized with anyone but Lacey, and later, Chico. It tends to be a people pleaser and hates disappointing others, in exchange for its own comfort. Guy tends to keep xyr troubles to xemself, trying to prove xemself to be strong on xyr own. Lacey tends to pick up on xyr troubles, however. Xe's not good at hiding things, anyway. Guy cares for the Reject Trio, although xe is more closer to Lacey than Chico, he feels. 

Guy desperately wishes to be just like Boyfriend, as it's the only thing that Guy was taught to be like, but he can't be. Not entirely, at least. Guy has some traits from BF, such as their determination, though. Guy feelings towards BF are complicated. He admires them. He loves them. He wants to be them. But at the same, he feels like he'll forever be unable to step out of their shadow- that he'll always be the "inferior version". His feelings swap between admiration and resentment.


Guy is chubby with tan, orange-ish skin. Xe has slightly desaturated hair, compared to Boyfriend, although, xe grew it out since xe escaped the facility, making it a mullet. Xe feels uncomfortable with facial hair and often shaves it whenever it starts to grow in. Xe also has bright white eyes with no pupils and a perpetual grin. This grin may quiver to exaggerate other emotions, but otherwise, stays as a smile. This is a result of an error in the cloning process. 

Null wears dark colors, but often tries to copy BF's fashion style, wearing checker patterns sometimes. Their usual outfit is a black, long-sleeved shirt on top of a white turtleneck. The shirt has a white null symbol. They wear a checkered belt and black pants, along with red sneakers similar to BF's. They also wear a hat similar to BF's as well and feel uncomfortable without it. It isn't averse to feminine fashion, as long as it's similar to BF's fashion.


  • Cheesesticks
  • Early 2000s emo rock music


  • Breaded cheesesticks
  • Needles


  • Being alone
  • Piercings


  • Drawing
  • Reading 
  • Songwriting


  • I was going to name xem Null at first, due to the symbol on its shirt. only one null can exist tho
  • Guy's concept first came to be from me getting inspired by Set Me Free + Deceiver V4, and so, I created a faker BF. His concept had changed, however, to him being a reject clone of BF.
  • Often holds hands with Lacey. It's an unconscious habit
  • Unlike BF, xe can only speak in beeps and boops
  • GF's aromantic! It isn't aware of this, however. qpr would save xem
  • clip-on earrings would save it
  • Chico + Guy share comics :^)! Guy tends to take a longer time reading since he likes to admire the art