Shuichi Powrufate




Full Name: Shuichi Powrufate (シュウイチ • パルフェイト (Shuichi Parufeito) in Japanese)
Nickname: none

Title: The Holy Parfait Prayer (パフェ神の子 (Parfait Child of God) in Japanese)

Gender: Male

Shuichi Powrufate is the Japanese counterpart of Rancis Fluggerbutter. Unlike the pretty boy, Shuichi is far more reserved; quite timid, too. He's a polite and mature young priest, albeit socially awkward and anxious due to living in isolation for several years. He's got quite a lot to learn about the world past the church walls.

Likes: Peace, Nature, Snow
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Violence, Pranks

Shuichi has fair skin with rosy cheeks, deep blue eyes, and short white hair. He wears a black jacket with white cuffs on top of a pale purple button-up shirt, a white priest scarf, black pants, white leg warmers and black shoes. He also has a cross on him, and is usually seen carrying a purple book.

His helmet design is unknown.

Racer Info

Theme: Parfait and Powdered Sugar

Fans: Anthopomorphic yogurt dipped strawberries

Kart: Parfait Glider (純粋なグライダー (Pure Glider) in Japanese)

Power-Up: Powdered Fog (呪われた霧 (Cursed Fog) in Japanese) (His kart fires powdered sugar smoke bombs in several track spots, which explode into fog and blind opponents that drive through it)


- Speed: 60%
- Handling: 75%
- Sugar Coating: 90%
- Sweetness: 90%

Catchphrase: "Pure sweetness!" ("神々しい!" ("Divine!") in Japanese)


Rancis Fluggerbutter: The two boys are counterparts. Compared to the extroverted Rancis, Shuichi is more introverted. To his surprise, Rancis can relate to him when it comes to social awkwardness, and offers a hand in helpig him. He holds nothing against the pretty boy...maybe his squeamish trait annoys him,

Ocharujo Mochiyama: Shuichi's soulmate. He feels like he's in cloud nine whenever he's with her. They stuck together since getting released from the archives, and he helped her with her language barrier until she could speak English fluently. When he confessed his feelings for her, she gladly accepted, and he couldn't be any happier.

Minty Sakura: A fellow Japanese racer. They stuck together for a while since getting released from the archives, and he helped her with her language barrier until she could speak English fluently. He admires her social butterfly attitude, and desires to be social like her instead of being really awkward.

NPR Brothers (Gumguru, Darkogi, Danikle and Cinnaren): Shuichi is welcomed to the band of brothers formed by the non-playable racers. He feels particularly closest to Gumguru, who (in his words) sees himself in this kid, and the two have a close brotherly friendship. He's close to the other 3 boys, but not as much.


  • Shuichi is a Japane Exclusive racer. The event he, Ocha and Sakura were included in got scrapped.
    • They were then released from the archives by Vanellope.
  • In both versions, he's fluent in English and Japanese.
  • More often than not, he's carrying the purple book in his hands.
  • He has a Japanese accent when talking.
  • He's 174cm tall, a few centimeters shorter than Rancis. As a chibi, he's as tall as every other racer.