


6 months, 10 days ago


it's britney bitch.

Age: Late 20's
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Male (he/him, post-op trans man)
Orientation: There are only two sexes. The one he has with your mom, and the one he has with your dad.

Likes: Makeup and clothes, trashy pop music, early 2000's R&B, being 15 minutes late with a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, singing, dancing, lying recreationally, playing dumb
Dislikes: Negative comments on his body, playing a side character, trans people with narrow views on gender presentation, having his intelligence insulted (even though he pretends he is dumb 90% of the time), lingering too long on old memories

THAT fruity and hyperfeminine transmasculine menace, and he's proud of it. A little toxic, a lotta too physically affectionate. He doesn't always have foresight, often getting him into trouble and hurting others with the consequences. Is the ultimate advocate for being your true self and will fight for everyone's right for it. Not a himbo as in a buff dumb nice man, but a himbo as in a bimbo that transitioned.