twyla tone ♡



6 months, 26 days ago


Name Twyla Toni-Smith

Age 29

Birthday 18th September

Star Sign Virgo

Gender Female (she/her)

Species Human

Height 5'6"

Orientation Questioning

Occupation Journalist


  • Teddies! Twyla has a massive collection of teddy bears in her flat. Some handmade costing £40+, some bought for £2 at a charity shop.
  • TV Shows. Twyla can probably give you a list of 100 show recommendations if you asked for it.
  • Pottery. It's a hobby of hers! She likes going to pottery classes every Saturday and painting whatever she makes pastel pink.
  • Sticky notes. She likes to carry them everywhere in a bag and stick them in random places to spread random messages.
  • Strawberry cake! Her favourite food of all time.

  • Chocolate. Just isn't for her.
  • Cleaning. Twyla is very messy, so cleaning isn't a favourite thing she likes to do. To Twyla, her mess is an organized mess. To others, her mess looks like a tornado went in the room.
  • FPS games. She has a co-worker that loves them, and she just can't get her head around them. She tries to use the "I'm 29, I'm getting old!" excuse to not play, but forgets that her co-worker is 3 years older. Or, Twyla thinks they're 3 years older. The co worker is actually 23, she got the age mixed up.
  • Chalk. Relatives who don't know Twyla assume she's just a 4 year old stuck in a 29 year old's body. They get her chalk to draw with for her birthday. She had the same box of chalk 3 years in a row now.

  • She fears small spaces and insects.
  • Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.
  • Nunc dignissim risus id metus.
Whaaat? You seriously never went skydiving? I swear, everyone has to do that once!!

Twyla Toni-Smith (known as Twyla Tone, just a name she prefers) has made quite a name for herself. Creator of a monthly well-known alternative fashion magazine "SHINING", she's known for her goals to make alternative fashion more mainstream and easier to access. Twyla first appeared in the public eye as she was announced to be the author of a famous model's biography, the model it being about dying just over a year prior. It was revealed that she was personally paid to write this biography, and that she had multiple interviews with the model to hear the story of her life. Twyla then went on to create the magazine "SHINING" 4 years ago, 18th October XXXX, when she was 25. If we're forgetting about the biography she wrote, Twyla was considered a nobody. Despite this, her project was a massive success. "SHINING" was seen everywhere. Massive Youtube channels in the alternative fashion community online being sponsored by "SHINING", ads being posted on social media platforms, word of mouth. Twyla went all in to advertising, and it paid off. Her magazine is bigger than ever, talking about news, as well as interviewing people in the alternative fashion community and pictures of models who were modelling looks specifically for SHINING's pages.


Here's a few words to describe Twyla: messy, loud, chaotic... Those are all negative things. Let's say extroverted as well. Twyla is quite unique with how she dresses, dressing in purely pastel. If the person they're talking to is easily annoyed, they might not have a nice time. Twyla's life motto is to just have fun. Go out and go skydiving, go out and dress in whatever wacky shit you want, because no one's gonna stop ya! She loves scrolling through social media, and having the shittiest humour of all time, she will laugh at facebook minion memes and show them off like they're the holy grail. And she also types like a mom. Twyla is very confident in herself, so she tends to do a lot of things impulsively. She finds it hard to accept criticism and doesn't use it to improve herself, and instead just apologises and hopes the problem goes away. Though, while struggling to handle conflict, she is quite book-smart, having great grades when she was at school. It made studying to become a journalist easier. However, editors do still have to go over what she writes as she tends to write things that are unnecessary, a tendency to overwrite and include every single detail. Twyla tends to treat everyone the same, even if they've known a specific person for a while. She seems to find it hard to get attached to anyone, and finds it hard to consider people friends or even best friends. Some people even say Twyla just stopped talking to them for no reason after a few months and they had no idea why, as their conversations were friendly. Twyla doesn't seem to really despise a certain person, and doesn't really show anger at anyone, so it's a mystery why she doesn't seem to call anyone a friend. Though, not including anger, her mood can change really quickly. She could be happy one second, then sad in the next. She bounces back to feeling good again quickly however, suddenly fine again. Overall, a quick way to summarise Twyla is a fucking whirlwind.

Miss Ailya was the model Twyla interviewed, the one she had written the biography for. Ailya had become a massive inspiration for Twyla, and they had become quite close during their conversations.

Chelsea Disliked

Chelsea is one of the models that works for SHINING, and she unfortunately doesn't like her boss. Twyla isn't public about it, but... SHINING is struggling financially, and Chelsea has to argue for her paycheck. Twyla tries to ignore the issues with her company the best she can, but Chelsea is trying her best to stop that happening.

Riikka Respected

Twyla has a lot of admiration for Riikka's laidback nature. Riikka works at Twyla's company SHINING as their janitor, him looking for a part time job to do to meet more people. He never joined for the money, him already having a bit from surfing competitions, so he doesn't care too much about Twyla struggling to pay him his wage.
