Anisetea's Comments

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Liked a few but none that i would trade for Anise, still thank you for the offer!! ❤️

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gonna start,, the lisT i can offer all the following:
- 4yr old G7 Double Uterus, the one listed at the TC is at 360GB, and in the next rollover she will be in heat
- Have 200 Heart Shells, can buy whatever you want with them ! (havent been on much A)
- Items; 8 Roasted Lambs, 4 Red Bulls, and MOD Patches Cross
anD for last i can make a Custom Decor for you if youd like ! You would upload it so the sales would go for you since it would be your idea !
edit; almost forgot, here are all the custom decors ive uploaded Custom Decors :|: Lioden

it would be all of this together,, bcs, beauty kitty,, 

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alrighT!! whatever thing let me know,, also had some other stuff that i thought were a little higher in price but they seem to be really cheap rn like touch of the demiurge, and some groupies i never used,, and the item to create custom decors i have some of those so you dont have to buy it !

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yess,, ill be sending everything soon! for the custom decor,, dm me when you have any idea/s in mind,, 👀
edit: also let me know what you want with the heartshells!

does anyone in my th interest you? trinity and scions are off limits!

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Anyone on my toyhouse?

I can also do two fulls and two headshots + sketch page!

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Free free 2 look thrruu… “no” tags r offlims

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I needa contaact someone abt it but if they give it the a ok I probably can do him 🙏

This user is not visible to guests. anyone here besides haida (may be pending soon, but if they do i could lyk if they decline) interest you?

anynyan in mein th ..(gift offlim)

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SORYR warugwarttug is my crweater he will be removed from my corpse