Toyhouse Skele Purge



5 months, 18 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer

Basic Info

My girlfriend has a lot more skeletons than me and is rehoming them too! Check it out here!

Character filler picture source

Link Click (dont watch it unless you want to booboo and cry like me and my homies)



I want this to be super tidy this time, so I deleted/archived the previous one and remade it to this awkldjaw 😭 it was a year ago anyways, it deserves to be remade

ANYWHO!!! Still doing a skeleton purge on my Toyhouse since I'm barely into UT anymore, I'm still keeping on to the hope that I'll return to the fandom/series one day, but it's already been a year now since I fell out HAHA

I properly labelled and marked the characters this time!

✔️ = Easy to offer! Not Tentative!

🍀 = Medium, half easy-half tent, but still have no problems getting your hands on them regardless (A little bit more picky on offers with this symbol though)

❌= Completely OFF LIMTIS! Maybe they'll be up for offers someday, but for now, even if you offer your entire lifesavings, they're not going anywhere 🏃

"BUT YOU HAVE SO MANY FOLDERS ON YOUR TOYHOUSE!! HOW DO I CHECK???" I suggest clicking the 'View All' on the character page, its only 4 pages anyways. I'm recommending this because I have a lot of empty UT folders lmao 😭

Priority at the moment is - Money (USD) > Custom/Art (Human art) > Trades (Male Humans/Humanoids only)

Negotiables are ok! They're valid and encouraged! All I ask is that you don't lowball me (aka offering $30 for a $50 character) etc. Be reasonable! I have bills and food to pay too. You can offer that low IF you have an add-on (aka art/trade).

Other off-limits is DO NOT offer on my human characters! There are some humans that you're allowed to offer on. They're already labelled! There are some skeletons and humans that are unlabelled though. You can feel free to ask on that!

Rigel and Horace are currently up for pings! I'm considering rehoming them, but they're still my first skeleton ocs that I ever had, so I'm still hesitant. But for now, the pings are still there! (Do note they cost hundreds, but I'll most definitely accept mixed offers)

Somewhat important but also not?? To my followers, if you're here for skeleton/undertale content, you're barely going to see those nowadays :') There WILL still be some skeleton art here and there, I still love cross, killer and some of my ocs, but the series doesnt click that much with me anymore ;;