


6 months, 14 days ago

Basic Info


5 usd

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5 usd


A dragon who never developed fully as he was severely burned as a child.

- he never developed scales. Though he does have a thick skin! 

- he never learned how to spy fire. His neck and throat can light up but that's it. He can also produce a lot of smoke though he does not gain anything doing so. 

- he has no eyes so he is blind. Though his other senses are really good, especially his senses of smell and hearing.

- he has undeveloped wings so he cannot fly. He only walks and he is a very good climber though he does not like to be high up considering he cannot see anything. He feels unsafe then so he prefers stable ground.

- his tail is like a small light. He does not know it though. It developed after he has already lost his sight. Many animals, especially bugs feel attracted to it. It's kind of annoying him so he usually swings his tail often to shrug off small animals.

- he is a bad hunter. He usually only eats muck - dead, left animals or small animals he gets to hunt. These can be bugs, slugs and kinds like these! Sometimes he is lucky to catch an animal of the size of a rat or squirrel. 

- humans tried to tame him, unsuccessfully. But he still wears some of the gear that was put on him back then. It does not bother him so he does not mind at all.