
6 months, 24 days ago


Exists in basementneighbor's  OC universe. (Story name does not belong to me.)

A satyr-type nymph in his 30's, standing at 5'11. He was born and raised in Vindenhelm. (A cold mountain region.)

His mother had a mild case of hypothermia when he was a small child, he would sit all day and night with her in bed, warming her up, this lead his father to joke with him that he "saved her life" unbeknownst to him that it was not fatal and being young he did not understand that his father wasn't being serious, sparking his belief that he had some kind of gift.

As soon as his his parents caught on, they tried to explain to him what happened, but his delusion was too strong already, causing him to resent his father for suggesting that it was wrong but he cannot bring himself to hate his mother.

This brought him to researching necromancy in secrecy as he got older and started practicing on small animals, after many failed attempts, a young scavenging raven had learned his routine, he eventually develops a bond with it and decides to keep it as a pet, it wouldn't leave his side anyway. He names the raven Requiem. He starts using Requiem as a sort of cadaver dog. He also uses it to steal valuables. He's stil not sure of the bird's gender, so he continues to refer to it as such. He broke one of his horns while getting used to following Requiem at a different level, in the air as opposed to the ground, when he wasn't paying attention he tripped on a rock and fell down a small cliff, it has always been crooked since then.

He now insistently tries to persuade others to let him resurrect their deceased loved ones, going deeper into the belief of his "gift", that he's doing the gods' work. He does not see why anyone wouldn't want it, regardless if they would never be the same or not. It's more or less the action and not the sentiment that matters to him. He gets very offended that they would have the audacity to turn down his offer and will go to great lengths to prove to whoever he approaches that it's worth it (and the money he demands in return, his lust for wealth also driving him.) If his would be client still refuses his advances he will go to even greater lengths to seek whatever sort of payback he deems fit. (Later on all his morals drop and he starts considering grave robbing and may or may not act on it, in fact his first human victim [and one of the only ones] was from a long forgotten unmarked grave, after all, "how bad can going back be?") 

Currently a more powerful necromancer's apprentice, with the intention of taking the opportunity to contribute to an undead army. He previously lived in a shack in the outskirts but recently has started staying with him and some others.