this is gorgeous oh my goddd do you make COD themed characters often?

oh thank you! not often but I can do custom one!

how much would you charge for that? (i am unemployed atm so I might have to come back to this conversation unless you would be interested in characters I have or IRL items possibly </3)

I think of it more like a commission so you can refere to (semirealistic style) as of rn I'm interested in usd, da points and steam games also!

Gotcha! Unfortunately I cannot offer any of those things right now, but if you ever are interested in something I have feel free to reach out <3
I will come back to this after I get a job I swear, your style is too cool to pass up on!

god thank you so much!!! also good luck on finding that job!! I know how difficult it is (I'm looking for a job myself as of late) qwq

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