


5 months, 18 days ago



Intense and strange, Karuma emerged from a nightmare of a ceaseless, endless pursuit of 'justice', and she embodies those principles perfectly. The justice of which Karuma follows has a strange logic to it: it's far more along the lines of some cryptic logic rather than defined law, but for the most part, Karuma aims for what is typically considered "good". However, sometimes said justice is far more ruthless: occasionally, it starts to lean into considering an eye for an eye a fair judgement, which can be a little worrying when she's the arbiter of a delicate conflict. When asked on where said beliefs come from, Karuma simply states something along the lines of 'I follow the call of a higher justice'... Which is vague and unhelpful, but perhaps it's the best answer the stygian can give.

Karuma also considers it her job to collect cursed artifacts for the sake of 'purification', although, to more than a few, it's apparent to many that she has a personal interest in said items. Ironically enough, Karuma can also be frequently found carving various luck charms, perhaps in order to balance out any negative luck the cursed items she collects grants her. She often gives said luck charms to those she enjoys the company of- a stygian or treatling can sometimes find themself covered in various carefully carved wooden charms if Karuma considers their fortune incredibly bad on a day.

In terms of actual interactions, Karuma is terse, stiff, and serious, and as a result, when she's tending to more calm activities, such as gardening or fishing, she does so with an intensity that's... A little less than appropriate for the situation. Karuma naturally tends to glare at pretty much everything as well; even when not intending to be intimidating. Almost everything is serious for her; friendships, battling, eating, everything and anything.