Cilias Twinklemoon



5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


cilias twinklemoon (cilias silanodel in elvish)


cil, m'lord (by sparrow)




amab man (he/him)


sydenstar 17th




moon elf




noble, rookie adventurer


cilias twinklemoon • moon elf • warlock


cilias comes from a noble arcanist family from the elven city of syngorn. he's lived his whole life in his hometown and is used to a life of luxury and material comfort. not much else is known about his background, and cilias seems reluctant to divulge too much information. he has no problems curving questions or covering up the truth if he deems it necessary. it's become clear that he has very little experience interacting with non-elven societies, and the hectic pace of an adventuring lifestyle seems to stress him out, yet it seems like he doesn't want to go home. the one thing he's made very evident so far is his family name, and like everything else he can use to his advantage, he milks it for all it's worth.

(more info will come as things are revealed in canon)


much like his personality, his appearance gives off the image of someone untouchable. his resting face is cold and disinterested, and half his face being obscured makes him harder to read on the off chance that he emotes. he has a lithe frame with a small waist and long legs. his eyes are heavy lidded with defined lower lashes, his nose is sloped and slightly upturned, while his lips are pouty. he's got high cheekbones and a slim face that reads very androgynous. he takes great care of his appearance and puts a lot of effort into it, and expects others so recognize it too. he's very confident in his looks and finds it laughable that anyone would argue he's not beautiful. his skin is sensitive and turns red/bruises easily, with visible veins where it's particularly thin. he prefers light and breezy clothing and favors cold colours like blue and purple, as well as black and white. although his clothes are fairly modest, he likes leaving some skin exposed. most of the time he's also very bedazzled, and he's almost never seen without his gemstone choker, bracelet and signet ring. he likes floral scents and often wears perfumes that smell of dewy flowers, in particular lilacs. some other notable features include his 3 prominent beauty marks and heavily decorated, long ears.


icy, haughty and guarded, cilias is not one who easily makes friends. he finds social interaction draining and difficult, and prefers keeping others at arm's length. he's a highly sensitive introvert and needs a lot of space to himself, easily distressed if people get too close too fast. he pushes people away with his sharp comments just as often as he entices them with his silver tongue, and he often plays up his noble image in hopes that people will leave him alone, or in some cases give him what he wants. he's an ambitious and quick witted man who's quite adept at using whatever means necessary to attain his goals. although usually a very logical and thorough thinker, he's also extremely emotional, and unknown or uncomfortable situations tend to make him flare up and cloud his judgment. despite the initial harshness, the patient few who can weather his hostile attitude will find another layer to him; he's extremely devoted and considerate towards whoever he deems a friend. once he gets comfortable, he gradually shows more of himself; for instance there's been glimpses of an impish, playful side that you'd hardly expect judging from his icy front. he's also quite petty and vindictive, but as much as he resents any injustice done to him, he greatly treasures any attempt to mend things or show him appreciation.


  • he's the owner of an imp familiar named twinklemoon jr. he adores him and baby talks to him all the time. twinklemoon jr calls him 'dad'
  • he seems to enjoy dressing up and roleplaying, and whenever the party has to disguise themselves as someone else he fully commits to the role
  • has a problem with authority, ironically, considering his class
  • a pescetarian ("you think I'd kill a living thing for food? disgusting. fish are ok, though.")
  • he prefers people to use silanodel over twinklemoon, but sometimes introduces himself with the common translation assuming that people outside syngorn would recognize that moreso
  • fond of golden eyes
  • can't stand physical touch without warning or his initiative
  • the topic of family seems sensitive to him


  • STR 8
  • DEX 17
  • CON 12
  • INT 13
  • WIS 11
  • CHA 16