


7 months, 1 day ago


Mabel's satyr pal and Hayden’s sister

sammy and Hyden are both children of hades but they're quite different than you think

While Sammy is a satyr and assigned to Ian, she's actually a demi-god who was given goat legs as "punishment" for following in her older brother's footsteps (little to they know Sammy always dreamed of being a satyr herself, so a win in her book!

Hyden however isn't a satyr and seems to represent Hades the most, his attitude is similar to Luke's but something about him is more stern and firm, he doesn't warm up to anyone but Sammy and even then he dislikes showing any feelings besides his annoyed expression and overall "I'm so done" attitude

both still inherited Hades power so I advise you to stay in place, Hyden is quick to show his powers and overall assumed he's the most powerful one...but in reality Sammy has a little more power than he does but she's harder to disappoint, anger, and overall annoy. Sammy is quite understanding but once you get her pissed off then she can snap your neck in 2 seconds tops  

Both powers are similar, both of their eyes glow and thunder as in engulfed in flames when you stare for too long (kinda like how the sun irritates your eyes), they both fire what seems to be fire abilities but Hyden is more so lava and his powers are more hand like, Sammy's abilities is just fire and flames which act more like snakes..choked out by fire is her favorite method but often leaves her resentful, Sammy is quite shy with her powers and no one really knows but Hyden so they made a deal that Hyden would use his powers to protect her and she would use hers if it really came down to it