


INFO: An anxious and quiet woman who seems troubled. The widow seems more distraught over something else than the death of husband- perhaps she already knew his cause of death it seems as she doesn't seem that grieved over the loss. Whatever the case she may be in prehevil for she’s lost her routes of escape leaving her stranded in the festival

Lore: born to a middle class family and as the youngest of three daughters as well grown up from another region, specifically south Asia , she wasn't given the luxury of education abroad and instead enlisted to an arranged marriage once she was 25. Though she did make do despite the situation and learned herself on poisons and alchemy, and taught herself what she could with the use of the local library and the occasional books her sisters left behind. Her eldest sister became a nurse ,while her other sister went on to sell her books and become a fairly well known author.

Although pretty ,charismatic and smart in her own way Soraya was arranged to married off, especially with the oncoming hardships of an upcoming war, it'd be better for Soraya to be in a more developed nation, and was wed off to a man in rondon. Soraya went along with it thinking it to be a nice change that she needed. Her new husband wasnt the nicest though with the marriage she was able to get access to things like research books and her own space to develop her skills in alchemy as well as drug making. With her new found freedom ,with her husband working dutiful hours,days and weeks away from their house, she was able to learn more and even start her own niche of being a local apothecary offering neighbours helps with medicine and such.

For all it was worth, they were getting along fairly well for a little while. All was well for her and she had even began warming up toward liking her husband, however she had found out that he'd committed several affairs during their marriage and so obviously very hurt by this , in an act of revenge she poisoned the food in their house after she found out he was on his way home and left their house without telling. She took as much of her things as she could however theres only so much she can take with her.

Personality: a fairly easy going and polite lady that can get fiercely vengeful when crossed. She lives her life by the motto of ‘ tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye , blood for blood’. Shes a hopeless romantic though which is a reason she had initially agreed to the arranged marriage, romanticising the idea so much she ended up agreeing to it. She finds it romantic to give her loved one a locket of poison, though she hasnt been able to do so she’d want to fulfil it one day, as she didnt really find what she was looking for in her late husband. She can seem a bit ditzy and awkward at times but thats only how she can come off, shes polite and well mannered in most settings ,she will also keep to herself in alot of situations.

When in more private settings however she tends to ramble about her interest particularly in alchemy and poisons. She's very genuine towards people and doesn't like to put up a facade towards others and straightforward with her opinion and reactions to things and people. She can be quite empathetic as well, maybe a bit too emotional at times but she means well overall. Albeit not experienced in love nor really in life she can get possessive of her treasured items or ,as a recent discovery , people. Though her possessive traits arent that bad she can seem a little over the top with making sure her ‘treasures’ dont go out of bounds. (namely though this is seen more with her books or alchemy instruments aswell as her apothecary kit.)

Name Soraya Nour Kashif
Age 26
Gender cis woman
Orientation bisexual
Race human
Occupation unemployed (current)
Pronouns she/her
Soul type caressing
height 175cm
having met in an odd cirucmstance wouldn't be soraya's usual idea of a meet cute but it is for the two of them.they're deeply fond of eachother (even if soraya is hesitant on being verbal about it). lovebirds in quite every sense of the word they're the item. soraya thinks him to be very important to her and although she isnt keen on violence and such she would be willing to do so for him given the case. she feels very fortunate to be ivan's object of affections and does her best to respond with love to his own poetic confessions in her own ways. “ah .. hes… hes a beautiful soul… ah.. Uhm… its difficult to convey my feelings to him or well.. About him too but i think..i like him. Ah - dont take my words to heart-! I just think he’s not someone i can leave to their own devices.. That cough is his is quite worrisome though… and he.. Doesnt seem bothered by my fretting so…….a-ahem.”
Info about their relationship.
  • A bit of Trivia.
  • A bit of Trivia.
  • A bit of Trivia.
  • A bit of Trivia.

A paragraph of trivia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In faucibus sem urna. Sed fermentum enim id augue tristique consectetur. Cras sagittis est in erat suscipit tincidunt. Maecenas vel odio velit. Pellentesque pellentesque nulla ac felis pretium molestie. Phasellus velit nisl, ornare quis mauris dictum, molestie commodo quam. Etiam sed nibh ac leo condimentum sollicitudin eu a dolor. Sed eu mattis sapien. Nullam facilisis augue magna, eget venenatis risus feugiat at. Nulla dapibus magna vel nulla volutpat aliquam. Nunc id neque ex.


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