Charlotte Myers



7 months, 9 days ago


Age: 23 (used to be 14 when she first entered in the boiling islands)
Gender: Female
Hometown: Pensylvania

"She and her parents were captured by witches once in halloween night, and brought by force to the boiling islands in where the three were turned into
guinnea pigs/slaves to the old oracle coven of those ages. while being there, she and other humans to be under mind related spells such as hypnosis, mind reading,
memory alteration, amnesia, and such. while also being blood drained by the witches of that time who used to be blood drinkers due to their belief that blood might
enhance her powers even more. they even marked her stomach with the coven logo & slave outfits as a signature of their belonging

when she turned 19, she managed to escape by the plumbing system while finding out that her parents were hypnotized and behaving like goats.
but she was found later but luckily managed to escape by breaking a potion of a witchs multi-tool belt, helping her to escape by swimming to the lake, ending up floating
to an unknown location.

At her current age of 21 to 23, she was raised by black market salesman and was trained by a wood-person to become a craftswoman and fixer by day.
but by night she disguises as a theft to steal valuable stuff from others to sell it in the black market.

she often gets asked regarding why she has the coven logo tatooed on her stomach, and she often changes the answers each time.