Dustin Murphy



7 months, 4 days ago


Key Notes, and Appearance:

Born April 22, 1971. He is typically represented as 35-43 in age. He is 5 foot 6 and a half, and around 175lbs.

Body: He has a petite but soft build, somewhat skinny but a decent body fat percentage in areas like the stomach and thighs and certainly does not engage in a lot of physique-focused exercise despite being physically healthy. He has a hairy body type with prominent hair on the arms and hands, and chest hair creeping up higher than some, which could be seen if he were to wear a low-cut shirt. Most of his torso is covered in visibly dark hairs along with his legs as well. 

Hair: He has long, straight to wavy auburn hair that is graying on the left side, which he commonly wears in a low to mid ponytail or down. His hairline is lightly receded, and in some circumstances his hair density may come off as thin. His beard is not as full as some men would expect at his age, being of uneven thickness, thinner near the middle and front of the cheeks as is drawn. His mustache is full and well-maintained (he grooms his facial hair regularly.). The hair on his chin, neck, and sideburn area is full, but the hairs are never very long, with his mustache being the area that is trimmed longest out of his facial hair. 

Face: He has a heavier top eyelid, round eyes, and distinctive wrinkles around his undereye and above his left eyebrow. His nose could be considered near a button-nose, with a shadow in the middle of it, though it is distinctively shaped at the tip. His eyes are blue, but his pupils are generally dilated larger than the light in the room would call for. His teeth are imperfect, and he has sharper canines than average. 

Clothing: Dustin wears typical non-fashion informed male clothing, dull or single-colored fabrics mostly without pattern besides plaid. He wears business casual every day for work, most often including a light-colored button down, tie, and dark slacks. His attire at home and in public consists of jeans, button downs, sweatpants, and similar simple/physically comfortable choices. His most distinctive item of clothing is a gray zip up jacket with no hood but a tall, stiff collar, and a single wide black stripe across the chest.

Lifestyle Notes:

    Originally from South Carolina, he moved to Illinois permanently after college where he has a well-paid accounting job. He lives in a high-rent apartment alone in the city until he meets and becomes engaged to his later husband, Ezekiel. When they move in together, Z's cat and the two men are joined by a tabby kitten Dustin brings home named Reggie. The 4 live together in Dustin's 2-bedroom with a balcony. Before their engagement, Dustin's apartment was typical of a lonely middle-aged bachelor whose favorite interior decoration color is gray/blue. 

    Raised in Appalachia, he does have a twang from the region when he is drunk or mad, but he has lived in Illinois for 15+ years at the point in his life he is typically portrayed. His singing voice is similar to the vocalist of The Decemberists in songs such as We All Die Young. [CW for homophobia for the remainder of this paragraph] Having grown up during the height of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, he took the social demonization of queer people to heart in his developing years and struggled with internalized homophobia for a very long time that culminated in years of compulsive heterosexuality and trouble with dating as well as any kind of interpersonal relationship. Before his husband, he was mostly alone in the world without family or friends and poured himself into office work.

    Overall, Dustin is a highly anxious, neurotic, and harsh man to those who do not know him, which is most people. The former smoker is still very much a drinker, with this being one of his main hobbies aside from producing and consuming art, along with listening to music. He is a huge fan of various loud rock genres. He loves bands like Franz Ferdinand, The Raconteurs, and The Hives, but has a pretty broad taste as long as the music is good, and he enjoys burning his playlists onto CDs which he meticulously labels and keeps stored in a large CD binder. :)