TBA's Comments

Hello ! Sorry for the inconvenience and this question ><

Do you trade them ? If not I totaly understand ! ( I can add $8)

Tysm for your time and your patience ! <3 

They are not for trade at the moment ;^;
I can consider trading for some of the closed species I'm collecting, but I would be really tent...

Oh oki no prob' ! 

And tysm for your offers but I wasn't looking for closed species, It's why I don't have many closed species haha ^^'

It was just this character that interested me! But tysm for your reply !

Have very good days/nights !

Oh I meant that I would trade this character for one of them! This folder that I linked is not for sale/trade - it's just an example of what I may be looking for :>
It's okay! Thanks for the offer and have a nice day you too! ^^

aaah mb ! English is not my first language ;w;

But tysm you too !