Root Ceiréal



6 months, 29 days ago


Root Ceiréal
DISCLAIMER: This is an au. The canon Root is the one in the Foxburrow tab. This is an au of Alex Kister's webseries titled "The Mandela Catalogue".

To avoid spoilers, click off of this character's page now.

Extroverted Introverted
Sensing Intuitive
Thinking Feeling
Judging Perceiving

A quiet and mysterious individual. Though upon closer inspection he doesn't appear to be the all that bright either.

Root isn't a rude or standoffish character. He's isolated by his own means. Often he finds himself enjoying the quiet of his home and occasionally the chatter of people when he immerses himself in society. It's all so new to him, though he doubts he'll learn it. Not on his own, anyway. At least for how he can be a bystander, watching as he pleases.

" What is a boy like him doing here..? "
Root grew up in a secluded area just outside of Mandela County, off in a manor that his parents owned. Because of how secluded the thing was the young boy never really got to experience anything with other kids his age. With that and how strict his parents were he never got to talk much. He never went to school, only ever went to church when his parents did. Even then he just kept to himself.

Bella was a mother that did her job. She kept her kid alive and well, she made sure to take the precautions that one even close to Mandela County should. Henry wasn't as present in Root's life, except for when it came to chore days and general training.

Of course Root's name wasn't Root during this time, his parents had named him Cain. Due to the Alternate outbreak, and the amount of religious significance the name had, his parents just stopped calling him Cain and refered to him as either simply "kid" or "son". This messed him up quite a bit considering he didn't have much of an identity before, and at this point he barely had a name for himself.
Teenage Years
As Root got older he picked up more little strange things as his own norm. He never learned how to read, write, or even count, so he started to notice little patterns more. He started to use things like colors, shapes, and styles to indicate different things. Or even routines.

He never really had time based routines, considering he couldn't really read any clock, but having breakfast, lunch, and dinner at least seemingly evenly spaced. With how strict his household was, he never really had a problem with that. The times almost got engraved into his head.
Early Adulthood
awh man this is where it gets good but I gotta go to bed < / 3

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