Uriel (Demon Flame)



6 months, 24 days ago


Magical Girl with fire powers and the ability to skate REAL FAST.

Uriel is powerful enough to work as a solo, but also she's a huge diva and hard to work with professionally. She has a lot of charisma and friends, but tends to just do whatever she wants in a way that makes her a poor team player as a Magical Girl. Maybe she'll work on it?

This design came to be as a result of a combination of traits some of us in the SD server said we liked in our magical girl OCs:

Rollerblades (with wings),

Big hats,

and FIRE.

So I guess this also doubles as one of those three emoji challenges? (πŸ›ΌπŸ‘’πŸ”₯) Anyway this is what I ended up with, hehe.

Thanks to Madame Lava in the SD discord for the name suggestion, since I wanted to have a U character for februarOC hehe. I decided to give the name to this character. (The name translates to "God is my light/flame".)