


6 months, 25 days ago





Formally known as Anthrax, Esther possesses the ability to manipulate certain pathogens. She also has her own specific set of biological rules, or.. her body does, to say the least. Over-protective is only a simple way to describe her typical nature.

Now, she goes by the alias of GHOST-BAT, dressing in solid white in both a way to mimic vintage nurses, as well as to function as an eye catching distraction.



Surprisingly upbeat despite rather unfortunate circumstances, Esther has a good, or maybe bad, sense of humor. Really, it depends on the person she's talking to. She is bull-headed, with a strong fight response that often gets her in to trouble. Despite what people may think, she is extremely loyal and defensive of those close to her, willing to put her life on the line for them in a heartbeat. And while she may struggle with emotional intelligence, she is very caring and does try to help others when they're upset even if she does have a tendency to say the wrong things. Combined with her often hard time reading the room, this can result in insensitive comments with the opposite intention. Because she isn't always the best listener or shoulder to cry on, she tends to default to trying to simply fix or patch up the problem at hand.

Esther can seem rather aggressive, especially with her tone and primary ways of holding herself, and thus this often makes her seem more intimidating than she is. And her appearance can often further this presentation. While she's usually happy-go-lucky, her mood can swing rapidly. This has resulted in violent outbursts over seemingly nothing. Lacking good emotional regulation is still something prominent with Esther, though it has improved as she has gotten older in what is truly only a somewhat more stable living situation. She thinks it's perfect, though. She also has a habit of not taking things all that seriously when she most definetely should be taking said thing more seriously.

Needless to say, Esther struggles with her mental health. She has severe C-PTSD, IED, and what is most likely a cluster b disorder, though it's not inherently obvious which one via her age and other problems. She forms weird attachments to others, and while she tries to hide it, she is quick to accept others as friends and even as family. Esther seemingly has manic episodes, though the depression she has isn't all that prominent. She does often have episodes of anxiety, as well, struggling with being in public and getting scared she'll do something wrong. Though, this has significantly worn away with age and is more-or-less a problem that proper therapy and coping mechanisms could significantly help.

NAME esther ann wayne, previosuly braunstein
ALIAS(SES) ghost-bat, anthrax, white-bat, batgirl
AGE teens, depends
GENDER unlabelled, butch
PRONOUNS she/him
SPECIES meta-human
RACE wasian indigenous ( + jewish )
EDUCATION in highschool
OCCUPATION vigilante
ORIGIN lansing, mi
RESIDENCE gotham city, nj

“You made me feel like the one.”



Proin nec mollis tellus. Morbi et urna in sem pulvinar sagittis. Donec quis nibh et augue rutrum imperdiet ac sed ipsum. Fusce ut vestibulum nisi, a accumsan ex. Suspendisse dignissim fringilla leo, sit amet condimentum leo accumsan non. Sed felis dui, semper quis libero ac, eleifend imperdiet nulla. Vivamus sit amet quam in est dictum ultricies. Etiam finibus ipsum ligula, at iaculis sem lobortis malesuada.

Curabitur mattis pretium sodales. Nam pulvinar feugiat risus eget commodo. Sed id risus iaculis, venenatis metus dictum, feugiat leo. Aenean tempor rhoncus arcu, in ultricies sapien tempor et. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sollicitudin odio nec sem ultrices sagittis. Vestibulum accumsan augue hendrerit feugiat lacinia. Vivamus porttitor libero eu nulla rhoncus dapibus.


Proin nec mollis tellus. Morbi et urna in sem pulvinar sagittis. Donec quis nibh et augue rutrum imperdiet ac sed ipsum. Fusce ut vestibulum nisi, a accumsan ex. Suspendisse dignissim fringilla leo, sit amet condimentum leo accumsan non. Sed felis dui, semper quis libero ac, eleifend imperdiet nulla. Vivamus sit amet quam in est dictum ultricies. Etiam finibus ipsum ligula, at iaculis sem lobortis malesuada.

Curabitur mattis pretium sodales. Nam pulvinar feugiat risus eget commodo. Sed id risus iaculis, venenatis metus dictum, feugiat leo. Aenean tempor rhoncus arcu, in ultricies sapien tempor et. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sollicitudin odio nec sem ultrices sagittis. Vestibulum accumsan augue hendrerit feugiat lacinia. Vivamus porttitor libero eu nulla rhoncus dapibus.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent et euismod enim, vel lobortis sapien.
  • Nullam rhoncus justo sagittis, pulvinar urna quis, imperdiet lorem.
  • Pellentesque elit elit, ornare volutpat neque eget, dignissim rhoncus purus.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent et euismod enim, vel lobortis sapien.
ALIGNMENT chaotic good
CLASS blood hunter
DESIGNER information
OWNER information
WEIGHT 198lbs
BUILD athletic, heavy-set
BODY SHAPE hourglass
SKINTONE 280ish fenty scale
EYES hazel, almond
HAIR dark brown, curly
AESTHETIC 80s thrift store

Ut efficitur dapibus convallis. Donec rhoncus libero vitae ligula imperdiet, et commodo orci posuere. Cras varius, eros non rutrum viverra, sem velit finibus ligula, ut vestibulum nibh massa id justo. Pellentesque eget aliquet sem. Aenean eget condimentum sapien. Mauris sit amet erat at metus dictum vestibulum vel et ipsum. Phasellus libero orci, euismod vitae nisi vel, blandit convallis ante.

Curabitur aliquam libero et purus laoreet vestibulum. Nam tempus lacinia auctor. Mauris suscipit, nisi at placerat eleifend, justo arcu iaculis enim, at venenatis nunc nunc in justo. Ut vel velit eget neque aliquet semper vitae ac lacus. Phasellus tortor augue, varius at eros vitae, consequat egestas tortor. Curabitur scelerisque convallis nisl, at molestie metus hendrerit eu. In ac metus eu nunc tincidunt mollis in sit amet arcu. Vivamus nec metus blandit, mollis massa quis, consequat tellus.