
10 months, 9 days ago



~20 yrs old

Cheruvon Shifter


Sanguine grew up away from the mainland humans, being managed to be kept hidden even through two raids of their village. She was well aware of their cruelties and hated nothing more than hiding while those she cared about were slaughtered.

And so she trained, becoming adept in all matters of stealth and related combat. Having no one left in the village who she particularly cared about she snuck off, traveling to Kald, and disguising herself as a regular human while slowly advancing her plan- kill the human leaders.

She made it surprisingly far, working as an assassin to get some money and stealing whatever supplies she needed to survive. Her plan took shape and everything worked out perfectly. She had the guard schedules memorized, knew the outlay of the palace and knew exactly where the royals would be. 

None of that mattered on the night she finally snuck inside. Making it all the way to the royal chambers, only having to dispatch one guard on the way, she was fully prepared. And then she was spotted. The guard sounded the alarm before she could kill him and within less than a minute she was greatly outnumbered. She fought well killing several of them, but stood no chance in the end. In a last desperate attempt to break free she shifted but it only bought her a couple more minutes until they had her chained and locked in a cage. While any other prisoner would have likely been executed for the offense, it was seemingly decided she, being a shifter, was of much more use alive.

Sanguine, despite her best efforts to resist, was given a tracking tag and the humans began their efforts to make her obedient- which proved to be much harder than they would have thought. She soon gained a bit of a reputation, and found a bitter amusement in playing into the fears of the guards. It at least made them keep a distance from her.