


5 years, 11 months ago


Name: Cassius
Gender: male
Sexuality: anything goes
Age: 300, appears 24
Race: mutant barghest
Origin: A rural area, then hell and back.
Height: 5'10"
Build: nothing impresive
Likes: areas away from people, raw meat, occultism
Dislikes: priests, the smell of rot, rain

A once ordinary wolf guy with escapist tendencies due to bad living conditions, he hexed indiviudals that wronged him. The curses he cast upon others were simulatenously draining mental energy from him and rebounding in a way that transformed his appearance and state of mind. He's merged with a demon and although he has immense power, he has a hard time controlling it. On top of that, he's been driven from his homeland with bounty hunters on the look for him. On full moons, his full power is activated and he will go on bloody rampages and destroy any stranger near him. He was once captured by a priest of the old village, where he received the cross shaped jewelry which can contain his power and stop him from activating his power regularly, but they are painful to the demon and therefore to him, so he lives in agony.